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Hornet Review: Does It Work In 2023?


Hornet is a social networking app that connects gay, bi and curious men from around the world. Launched in 2011, it has grown to become one of the largest apps for LGBTQ+ communities with over 25 million users worldwide. Hornet provides an easy way for its members to meet new people online or offline through their various features such as chat rooms, groups and events. It also offers location-based services so you can easily find other users nearby who share your interests or passions.

The app was founded by Christof Wittig along with Sean Howell and Markus Goeppert in Berlin Germany back in 2011 under Orchard Labs Inc., which later changed its name to Hornet Networks Ltd after merging with Swiss company Tootic SA two years later (2013). Currently owned by Online Buddies Inc., it is most popular among LGBTQ+ individuals living within France, Brazil , Russia , Turkey & USA . The platform allows anyone above 18 years old register free of charge using either email address/phone number or Facebook account details; upon successful registration they will be able to access all available features without paying any fee whatsoever .

For those looking for more convenience when accessing this service on mobile devices there’s no need worry because both Android & iOS versions are available via Google Play Store / Apple App Store respectively ; once installed onto device user should use same credentials used during sign up process login into application start exploring what’s offered . All said done despite being relatively young compared some older platforms out there like Grindr hornets managed gain quite traction due unique approach taken when creating engaging experience while still maintaining safety privacy each individual registered site making sure they feel secure comfortable sharing information others knowing data safe hands

How Does Hornet Work?

The Hornet app is a revolutionary social networking platform that has quickly become one of the most popular apps for gay, bi and curious men. It allows users to connect with each other from around the world in an easy-to-use format. With its powerful search engine, users can find profiles based on location or interests such as music, sports and hobbies. There are two types of user accounts – free and premium – which offer different levels of access depending on what you’re looking for. The app also features a wide range of content including news articles about LGBTQ issues, events listings for parties near you and even video tutorials about topics like safe sex practices among others.

Finding profiles on Hornet is simple; just use the ‘Discover’ tab at the bottom left corner to browse through all available members by age group or country origin (with over 5 million active monthly users from more than 180 countries). You can also filter your results using various criteria such as relationship status or ethnicity if desired – making it easier to narrow down potential matches within seconds! Additionally there’s an option called ‘Nearby’ where you’ll be able see who else is nearby in real time so that meeting up becomes much simpler too!

In addition to finding people online via their profile pages, many members choose join groups dedicated towards specific interests ranging from travel advice & tips all way through activism & advocacy related activities – giving everyone something they’re interested in talking about no matter how niche it may seem! And since membership numbers have grown exponentially since launch day back 2015 (reaching 1 million+ daily active worldwide) chances are good that someone out there shares your same passions too!

For those seeking private conversations instead then look no further than hornets Private Chat feature which lets send messages directly another person without having post anything publicly first: perfect when want keep things between yourself another individual only yet still benefit full security encryption provided by this service ensuring nobody will ever snooping into conversation either side involved party!. Furthermore because chats encrypted end means data never stored servers meaning any sensitive information shared remains completely secure throughout entire duration chat session taking place .

Finally let not forget mention fact Hornet provides comprehensive list resources individuals need help understanding HIV/AIDS prevention treatment plus additional support services mental health issues well providing general guidance everyday life situations anyone might face whatever background orientation come from.. This really goes show dedication team behind application ensure everyone feels included supported while navigating digital landscape today whether accessing personal connections educational materials alike — ultimately helping create safer healthier environment LGBT community global scale now future generations come !

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Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the Hornet app is a straightforward process. To begin, users must download the app from either Google Play or Apple App Store and open it. They will then be prompted to enter their email address and create a password before agreeing to terms of service and confirming they are at least 18 years old (the minimum age requirement for using this dating platform). After submitting these details, users can start setting up their profile by adding information about themselves such as gender identity, interests, location etc., which helps them find matches with similar preferences. Once complete they can browse through profiles in order to connect with potential partners who meet their criteria. Registration on Hornet is free but some features require an upgrade via subscription plans that come at additional cost.

  • 1.User must provide a valid email address.
  • 2. User must create a unique username that is not already in use by another user on the platform.
  • 3. User must select and confirm a secure password with at least 8 characters, including one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one number or special character (e.g., !@#$%).
  • 4 .User should agree to Hornet’s Terms of Service before completing registration process
  • 5 .User may be asked to verify their account via an SMS code sent to their mobile device or through other methods as deemed necessary by Hornet
  • 6 .Users under 18 years old will need parental consent prior to registering for an account 7 . Users are required to upload profile photo during registration process 8 Users should have access option available if they want make their profiles private

Design and Usability of Hornet

The Hornet app has a modern and attractive design. The colors are vibrant, with an emphasis on the orange and yellow tones that represent the brand identity of Hornet. It is easy to find profiles of other people using filters such as age, location or interests. The usability is great; navigation through different sections is intuitive and simple due to its user-friendly interface layout. When you purchase a paid subscription there are some UI improvements like more detailed profile information which makes it easier for users to connect with each other in meaningful ways.

User Profile Quality

Paragraph 1: Hornet profiles are public, meaning anyone can view them. You can set a custom bio to give other users more information about yourself and what you’re looking for. There is also a “friends” feature which allows you to connect with people in your network or find new friends nearby. Privacy settings allow users to control who sees their profile and how much personal information they share, such as location info. Google or Facebook sign-in features are available for added security against fake accounts on the platform.

Paragraph 2: Location info in user profiles reveals city but not exact address so there is still some privacy involved when it comes to sharing where someone lives or works etc.. Distance between two users is indicated by kilometers rather than miles making it easier for international connections if desired . Premium subscription benefits include access special content from verified members of the community plus exclusive offers that may be beneficial depending on individual interests/needs

Paragraph 3 : Overall , Hornet has made sure its user base remains safe while providing an easy way of connecting with like minded individuals all over the world through its extensive list of features including private messaging options , geo-location filters & customizable search parameters . This makes finding potential matches simpler & faster while ensuring everyone’s safety at all times


Hornet is a popular dating app that has been around for many years. It offers users the ability to connect with other people in their area and find potential matches. The Hornet website provides an overview of the features available on the app, including profile creation, messaging capabilities, and search filters. Additionally, it allows users to view profiles from all over the world as well as read news stories related to LGBTQ+ topics.

The main advantages of using Hornet are its user-friendly interface and wide range of options when searching for potential partners or friends. Furthermore, it also includes safety tips such as how not to share personal information online which can help protect against scammers or hackers who may be looking for vulnerable targets on dating sites like this one. On top of that there are plenty activities you can do while using Hornet such us joining events near your location or watching live streams about various topics related to sexuality/gender identity etc.. However some disadvantages include having limited access if you’re outside certain countries due restrictions imposed by local laws; additionally ads tend show up often during use making navigation slightly inconvenient at times .

At present time ,there is no official site associated with hornets platform however they have mentioned plans in developing one soon .This could potentially benefit those who prefer more traditional ways accessing content rather than through apps but lack resources needed build a suitable website would mean taking away valuable development time from maintaining core product (app) thus slowing down progress elsewhere so until then only way interacting within community will remain via mobile device application itself

Safety & Security

Hornet is a popular social networking app that takes user security and privacy seriously. The platform has implemented several measures to ensure the safety of its users, including verification methods for new accounts, fighting against bots and fake accounts, as well as providing two-factor authentication options. All photos are manually reviewed by moderators before being posted on Hornet in order to detect any malicious content or potential threats. Additionally, Hornet also uses AI technology to scan incoming messages for inappropriate language or spam links which helps keep conversations safe from unwanted visitors. Furthermore, all data sent over the network is encrypted with 256-bit encryption algorithms making it virtually impossible for hackers to intercept information transmitted between users and servers. In terms of privacy policy enforcement; Hornet ensures complete anonymity when signing up through email address validation process so that no personal information can be leaked out into public domain without consent from both parties involved in conversation threading activity within their chat rooms/groups . Moreover , they have set up various guidelines regarding usage of sensitive data like location tracking & profile picture uploads ; this further strengthens their commitment towards protecting user’s online identity & overall experience while using the application

Pricing and Benefits

Hornet is a popular dating app that allows users to connect with other people in their area. It offers both free and paid subscription options, so it’s up to the user whether they want to pay for extra features or not.

The basic version of Hornet is completely free and provides access to all its core features such as creating an account, searching for matches, sending messages, viewing profiles etc. However if you opt for the premium version there are some additional benefits:

  • Unlimited swipes on profiles
  • Advanced search filters – Access exclusive content from Hornet’s media partners

The prices vary depending on how long you sign up for but generally range between $9-15 per month (or around $60-90 annually). This makes them quite competitive compared with similar apps like Grindr which charge more than double this amount. Furthermore they offer discounts when signing up longer term subscriptions which can help bring down costs even further.

Cancelling your subscription is straightforward too – simply go into your settings page within the app and select ‘cancel my membership’ option then follow any prompts provided by Hornet regarding refunds etc.. Refunds may be available depending on how recently you signed up so it’s worth checking out their terms & conditions before cancelling just in case!

So overall do users really need a paid subscription? Well ultimately that depends entirely upon what kind of experience each individual wants from using Hornet – those who don’t mind sticking with just the basics might find no need at all whereas others could benefit greatly from getting one of these plans!

Help & Support

Hornet provides a range of support options to help users with any issues they may have. The first option is the Hornet Help Center, which can be accessed through their website or app. This page contains information on frequently asked questions and topics related to account settings, privacy & safety, technical troubleshooting and more. The page also includes contact details for customer service should you need further assistance from an expert team member.

If you prefer speaking directly with someone then there are several ways in which this can be done too; either by phone or email depending on your preference and availability of staff members at that time. There is no set response time as it depends on how busy the team are but generally customers receive replies within 24 hours during business days (Monday-Friday). If your query requires urgent attention then we recommend calling them instead so that one of our agents can provide immediate assistance over the phone line if needed – please note however that due to high demand call waiting times may vary significantly throughout peak periods such as holidays etc..

Finally, another great way to get quick answers without having direct contact with anyone is via social media platforms like Twitter where many people post general queries about common problems experienced when using Hornet services – these posts usually receive responses from other users who have already had similar experiences along with official representatives providing helpful advice whenever possible!


1. Is Hornet safe?

Hornet is generally considered to be a safe app. It has various security features in place, such as requiring users to verify their accounts with an email address or phone number and using encryption technology for data protection. Hornet also allows users to block other members from contacting them if they feel uncomfortable or threatened by another user’s behavior. Additionally, the app includes safety tips on its website that advise users about how best to protect themselves while online dating and provides links for reporting any suspicious activity encountered on the platform. All of these measures make it one of the safest apps available today when it comes to meeting people online safely and securely

2. Is Hornet a real dating site with real users?

Yes, Hornet is a real dating site with real users. It was launched in 2011 and has since become one of the largest gay social networks worldwide. The platform offers a variety of features to help its members connect with each other, including public chat rooms, private messaging capabilities, photo sharing options and location-based search functions that allow you to find potential matches near you. With over 25 million registered users from all around the world using Hornet’s services every month it is easy to see why this app has grown so popular among those looking for companionship or love online.

3. How to use Hornet app?

Using the Hornet app is a great way to connect with people in your local area or around the world. To get started, simply download and install the free mobile application from either Google Play Store (for Android users) or App Store (for iOS users). Once installed, you can create an account by providing some basic information such as your name, age and gender. After that’s done, you’ll be able to start exploring all of its features! You can search for other members based on their location or interests; send messages; join chat rooms; share photos and videos with friends both near and far away; follow interesting topics like LGBT news stories worldwide – there are so many possibilities available through this amazing platform!

4. Is Hornet free?

Yes, Hornet is free to use. It is a social network app designed for gay, bi and curious men to connect with each other in meaningful ways. The platform provides an array of features that allow users to find friends or potential partners near them and around the world, as well as create events or join groups related to their interests. Additionally, it offers tools such as private messaging and photo sharing so users can communicate securely with one another without having any personal information exposed publicly on the internet. With its free version available worldwide for both iOS and Android devices, anyone can download Hornet from either App Store or Google Play store today!

5. Is Hornet working and can you find someone there?

Hornet is a social network for gay, bi, trans and queer people. It provides an online platform where users can connect with each other to find friends or potential partners. The app has over 25 million users worldwide who are looking to make meaningful connections in their local area or around the world. With its powerful search filters and messaging features, Hornet makes it easy for anyone to find someone that meets their needs. Whether you’re looking for friendship, dating opportunities or just some fun conversations with like-minded individuals – Hornet offers something unique and exciting every day!


In conclusion, Hornet is a great dating app for finding partners. It has an intuitive design and user-friendly interface that make it easy to navigate the platform. The safety and security features are robust with measures in place to protect users from potential harm or abuse online. Help and support services provide timely assistance when needed, while the quality of user profiles is generally good as well. All these factors combine to create a positive experience overall for anyone looking for love on this platform! However, there may be room for improvement in terms of usability; some users have reported issues with loading times being slow at times which can be frustrating if you’re trying to quickly find someone special!

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Author Heather Allen

Heather Allen is an acclaimed writer and speaker, specializing in love and relationships. She has a deep understanding of relationships and intimacy, and she’s committed to helping people understand how to build better connections. Her writing has been featured in publications such as The Huffington Post, Refinery29, and The Washington Post. Heather has a degree in psychology and has been studying the science of relationships for more than 10 years. She is passionate about helping people build more meaningful and fulfilling relationships. In her spare time, Heather loves to travel and explore new cultures, and she's a voracious reader.