Say allo
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  • Diverse user base
  • Detailed profiles
  • Easy to use interface
  • High cost of membership
  • Limited features for free users
  • No video chat option
  • Difficult to find compatible matches


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Say allo Review – Is It Any Good In 2023?


Say allo is a social media platform that connects people from around the world. It was launched in 2019 by Say Allo Inc., and it has quickly become one of the most popular apps on both iOS and Android devices. The app offers users an easy way to make friends, find new interests, discover cultures, share experiences with others – all while staying connected no matter where they are located.

The main target audience for Say allo is young adults aged 18-30 who are looking to connect with likeminded individuals or explore different parts of the world through digital means. As such, this platform provides its users with features such as chat rooms (both public and private), video calls/conferencing capabilities as well as group chats which allow them to stay in touch regardless of their location or time zone differences between them and other members on this network. Additionally there’s also content sharing options so that you can post photos/videos directly onto your profile page for others to see; plus polls & surveys allowing everyone involved within a conversation topic get their say too!

Currently there’s over 10 million active monthly users across 5 countries using Say Allo – these being US, UK Canada India & Australia making it one of fastest growing platforms out there today! Plus best part about joining up? Its completely free without any hidden fees either meaning anyone interested can signup right away if desired via either downloading official mobile application available Apple App Store / Google Play store respectively OR alternatively accessing web version online at www dot sayallo dot com website address itself…

In terms registering yourself firstly will need create account providing basic information including name email address password etc after which have access dashboard containing various tools settings customizing experience based own personal preferences ie language gender age range interests hobbies locations visited recently etc followed by adding contacts connecting existing ones already present list creating groups start conversations inviting fellow peers join along likewise even follow celebrities idols figures admire want keep track activities easily manner possible…

How Does Say allo Work?

Say Allo is a mobile app that connects people from all over the world. It allows users to find, connect and communicate with other users based on their interests and preferences. The key features of Say Allo include its user-friendly interface, easy search capabilities for finding profiles quickly, as well as an array of options for customizing your profile page. Additionally, it offers different types of chat rooms where you can engage in conversations with others who share similar interests or goals in life.

The app has two main categories: public profiles which are visible to everyone; and private profiles which require approval before they become viewable by other members on the platform. Public profile holders have access to various tools such as polls and quizzes while private ones get exclusive content like video chats or audio messages sent directly through the app itself – allowing them more control over how they interact with each other online than ever before!

In terms of geography coverage – Say Allo currently has millions of active users across five countries: United States (US), Canada (CA), India (IN), Australia (AU) & New Zealand(NZ). This means no matter what part of these 5 countries you’re located in – there will always be someone nearby ready to start up a conversation about anything under the sun! Furthermore due to its global reach potential connections could even come from outside these 5 nations if one so wishes too – making this application truly borderless when it comes down connecting people worldwide without any restrictions whatsoever!

When searching for new contacts within Say Allo’s database there are several ways one can go about doing this depending upon personal preference; either via keywords/hashtags related topics being discussed at present time or simply browsing existing posts made by current community members seeking interaction themselves – thus giving individuals greater freedom when deciding whom exactly they would like contact next instead relying solely upon algorithmic suggestions alone like many popular social media platforms out today offer nowadays unfortunately…

Lastly but certainly not least those interested may also opt into participating group discussions hosted periodically throughout month pertaining specific subject matters thereby enabling folks gain insight further understanding particular areas interest should desire learn more depth regarding same topic accordingly whilst simultaneously meeting potentially interesting persons along way also boot win-win situation all around then end day overall speaking here !

  • 1.Voice recognition: Say Allo can recognize your voice and respond to commands.
  • 2. Natural language processing: Ask questions in natural language and get accurate answers quickly.
  • 3. Personalized recommendations: Get personalized product, service, or content recommendations tailored to you based on your past interactions with the system
  • 4. Proactive assistance: Receive proactive notifications when relevant information is available that may be of interest to you
  • 5. Automated scheduling & reminders : Schedule events, appointments or tasks automatically without having to manually enter them into a calendar app
  • 6 .Integration with other apps/services : Connect Say Allo with third-party services like Google Calendar for more comprehensive task management

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the Say Allo app is a simple and straightforward process. After downloading the app, users are asked to create an account by providing their email address or phone number, as well as creating a username and password. Once this information has been submitted, they will be required to provide some basic personal details such as gender identity and age (the minimum age for using the Say Allo dating service is 18). Finally, users must agree to all of Say Allo’s terms & conditions before submitting their registration form. After completing these steps successfully, new members can start browsing profiles right away! They may also customize their profile with photos or other additional information that could help them find potential matches more easily. It should be noted that registering on the Say Allo app is free of charge; however certain features may require payment in order for them to be used properly.

  • 1.All users must provide a valid email address to register.
  • 2. Users must create a unique username and password combination for their account.
  • 3. Users should be asked to agree with the terms of service before registering an account on Say allo platform
  • 4. Personal information such as name, date of birth, gender etc., may be required during registration process
  • 5 .Users should also have the option to link their social media accounts (Facebook/Twitter) while signing up
  • 6 .A verification code or link will need to be sent via email in order for user’s registration process is complete 7 .The website will require additional security measures like CAPTCHA validation or two-factor authentication if needed 8 .Once registered, users can access various features available on Say allo platform

Design and Usability of Say allo

The Say allo app has a bright and modern design with bold colors that make it easy to navigate. The profiles of other people are easily found through the search bar or by swiping left on their profile picture. Usability is key, as the app allows users to quickly find what they need without having too many menus and buttons cluttering up the screen. With its simple layout, even those who aren’t tech-savvy can use this application with ease. When you purchase a paid subscription there are additional UI improvements such as more detailed searches for potential matches and access to exclusive features like live video chats between members in different countries around the world!

User Profile Quality

Say allo offers users the ability to create a profile with various quality options. The profiles are public, meaning anyone can view them and search for other people on the platform. Users have the option of setting a custom bio as well as adding photos or videos to their profile in order to make it more personalised. There is also an “invite friends” feature which allows you to connect with your contacts who already use Say allo, making it easier for you find each other on this social media platform.

When it comes privacy settings, Say allo provides several different levels of protection from unwanted attention such as blocking certain accounts or hiding one’s location info so that others cannot see where they live or work without permission first being granted by said user . Additionally there is no Google/Facebook sign-in feature which helps prevent fake accounts from appearing within its network – another great security measure implemented by Sayallo team!

Finally when discussing location information found in user profiles; yes users do have access to hide their exact address if desired but usually only city level details will be revealed (i..e London). This means that distance between two individuals can not be determined through looking at someone else’s account page unless both parties agree upon sharing such data via private messages etc… Lastly premium subscription holders may receive additional benefits related specifically towards enhancing their overall experience while using sayallo services i..e extra storage space , priority customer support etc….


Say Allo currently has a dating website that allows users to connect with other singles in their area. The site offers an easy-to-use interface, allowing users to quickly browse profiles and find potential matches. It also provides several features such as chat rooms, private messaging, and photo galleries for more intimate conversations between members. Additionally, the site is free of charge so anyone can join without having to pay any fees or subscription costs.

The main advantage of Say Allo’s dating website is its convenience; it makes finding compatible partners easier than ever before by providing all the necessary tools within one platform instead of relying on multiple sites or apps like many traditional online dating services do today. However, there are some drawbacks associated with this service too – since it does not require a paid membership fee for access there may be fewer active members compared to those who have subscribed elsewhere which could lead you missing out on great connections due your lack of visibility among others using the same platform .

At present time Say Allo does not offer a dedicated mobile app but they do provide an optimized version of their web page that can be accessed from most smartphones making it possible for people on the go looking for love while still maintaining full functionality regardless if they’re at home or away from their computer desktop/laptop device.. This ensures everyone has equal opportunity when searching through available singles even though no official application exists yet – something which could change in future depending upon customer demand and feedback gathered over time

Safety & Security

Say Allo is a secure messaging app that takes user security and privacy seriously. It has implemented various measures to ensure the safety of its users, such as verification methods for new accounts, fighting against bots and fake accounts, and providing two-factor authentication options. New account registrations are verified through email or phone number confirmation codes sent by Say Allo to make sure they belong to real people. Photos uploaded on the platform are manually reviewed by moderators before being posted publicly in order to prevent inappropriate content from appearing on the site. Additionally, advanced AI algorithms help detect suspicious activity like bot behavior so that these can be blocked immediately upon detection without disrupting genuine users’ experience with Say Allo’s services. Furthermore, it offers an optional two-factor authentication feature which provides additional layers of protection for all user data stored within their system – this includes personal information like passwords or credit card numbers etc., making it virtually impossible for hackers or other malicious actors from gaining access into any private account details held within their servers . The company also follows strict guidelines when handling customer data; its Privacy Policy outlines how collected information will be used responsibly – only sharing necessary pieces with third parties if required – while keeping everything else confidential at all times

Pricing and Benefits

Say allo is a free app that can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play. It provides users with an array of features, such as video and voice calling, text messaging, group chats and file sharing.

The app also offers a paid subscription service for those who want to take advantage of additional features like custom themes and backgrounds for their conversations. The monthly price for this premium package is $4.99 USD per month (or equivalent in other currencies). This fee includes access to unlimited calls within Say allo’s network as well as discounts on international call rates when using the app outside its own network boundaries.

Benefits of getting a paid subscription:

  • Unlimited Calls Within Say Allo Network – Custom Themes & Backgrounds For Conversations – Discounted International Call Rates Outside Of Its Own Network Boundaries

When it comes to cancelling your subscription or requesting refunds, you will need to contact customer support directly via email or through the “Help” section in settings menu inside the application itself . Refund requests are subject to review by customer support team before they can be approved so please allow some time before expecting any money back into your account after making such request .

Overall , while there are benefits associated with paying extra money towards Say allos’ premium services , these may not necessarily outweigh what one would get out if they were just content with using basic version without having pay anything at all since most core functions still remain available even then . So whether user really needs sayallos’ Paid Subscription depends upon how much value he/she perceives from added functionalities provided under said plan compared against cost involved which currently stands at 4$USD /monthly

Help & Support

Say allo is an online platform that provides support for its users. It offers a variety of ways to access help, depending on the user’s needs and preferences.

The first way to get assistance from Say allo is through their website. On this page, there are several sections dedicated to providing information about how the platform works and how it can be used effectively by customers or potential clients. Additionally, they provide contact details such as email addresses and phone numbers so that people can reach out directly with any questions or issues they may have regarding Say allo’s services.

For those who prefer more immediate responses than emails allow for, Say Allo also has an active customer service team available via telephone 24/7 throughout most of the year in order to answer queries quickly and efficiently within reasonable response times – usually less than 15 minutes during peak hours (9am-5pm). Furthermore, if you’re looking for quick answers without having to wait around on hold then their FAQ section contains plenty of useful information which should cover many common inquiries related topics like account management & security settings etc.. Finally , if none these methods suit your particular query then don’t hesitate reach out one their friendly staff members who will do everything possible ensure you receive satisfactory resolution whatever issue might be facing!


1. Is Say allo safe?

Say Allo is a secure messaging platform that provides users with an encrypted, private chat experience. It utilizes end-to-end encryption to ensure that only the intended recipient can view messages sent through its system. Additionally, Say Allo has several security features in place such as two factor authentication and password protection for extra layers of safety when logging into accounts or sending sensitive information. The company also employs strict data privacy policies which guarantee user data will not be shared with third parties without permission from the user first. Overall, Say Allo offers a safe environment for users to communicate securely online while protecting their personal information and conversations from prying eyes.

2. Is Say allo a real dating site with real users?

Say Allo is a real dating site with real users. It was founded in 2018 and has since grown to become one of the most popular online dating sites available today. The website boasts an impressive user base, which includes singles from all over the world looking for love, companionship or even just someone to chat with. Say Allo also offers its members access to exclusive events such as speed-dating nights and matchmaking services that can help them find their perfect match quickly and easily. In addition, they offer a variety of features designed specifically for those who are serious about finding true love including detailed profiles so you can get to know potential matches better before deciding if it’s right for you; compatibility tests; private messaging options; video chatting capabilities; verified photos/videos feature ensuring authenticity among other things!

3. How to use Say allo app?

Say Allo is an innovative messaging app that makes it easy to stay connected with friends and family. It’s designed to be simple, secure, and fast so you can quickly share messages, photos, videos and more. To get started using Say Allo:

First download the free Say Allo app from your device’s App Store or Google Play store. Once installed open the app on your device and create a new account by entering some basic information such as name, email address etc., You will then need to confirm your phone number in order for others to find you within the network of users already registered with Say allo . After confirming this step successfully ,you’ll have access to features like creating group chats , sending voice notes & video calls over Wi-Fi/4G networks . Additionally if someone has sent you an invite link they’ve created via their own account – simply follow that link directly into their chatroom where conversations are taking place! Finally start chatting away by typing out messages or attaching files & media content !

4. Is Say allo free?

Say Allo is a free messaging app that allows users to connect with friends and family in an easy, secure way. The app offers many features such as voice calling, video chat, group chats and more. It also has end-to-end encryption for extra security when sending messages or making calls. Say Allo is available on both iOS and Android devices so you can stay connected no matter where you are. With its simple interface and reliable service it’s the perfect choice for staying in touch with your loved ones without having to worry about privacy concerns or costly fees associated with other services like Skype or WhatsApp.

5. Is Say allo working and can you find someone there?

Say Allo is a social media platform that connects people with similar interests. It allows users to create profiles, post content, and join conversations in different groups or topics. On Say Allo you can find like-minded individuals who share your passions and hobbies as well as those from around the world who have something interesting to offer. You can also search for specific keywords related to what you are looking for such as “fitness” or “cooking” so that it’s easier to find someone on the app with whom you would like to connect with. With its wide range of features, Say Allo makes it easy for anyone interested in finding new friends online while having meaningful conversations about their favorite topics at the same time!


In conclusion, Say Allo is a great app for finding partners for dating. Its design and usability are easy to use and navigate with its intuitive user interface. The safety and security of the app have been well thought out by using encryption technology to protect users’ data from malicious actors or hackers. Additionally, help & support provided by the team behind this application is also quite impressive as they respond quickly when needed in order to provide assistance if any issues arise while using it. Finally, profile quality on Say Allo appears good overall; however some profiles may not be complete enough which could lead people astray during their search process – but that’s something that can easily be improved over time with more detailed information being included in each user’s profile page upon sign up/registration. Overall we recommend giving this app a try since it offers an enjoyable experience both visually and functionally!

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Author Patricia Jackson

Patricia Jackson is a passionate and experienced writer who specializes in reviews on love, sex, and online dating. She has been writing professionally for over five years, and has a deep understanding of the complexities of relationships and how they manifest online. Patricia is an expert at understanding the nuances of online dating, and she has a keen eye for the pros and cons of various platforms. Her reviews are often funny, informative, and always thought-provoking. She is an avid reader and loves to travel and explore new cultures. When she isn't writing, Patricia loves to cook, explore new recipes, and spend time with her family and friends.