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  • Diverse user base
  • Free to join and use basic features
  • Easy-to-use interface
  • Wide range of search filters available
  • Detailed profile sections
  • Lack of screening process
  • Limited user base
  • Potential for scams/frauds
  • Lack of customer support
  • Inability to filter matches


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  • Active Audience:
  • Quality Matches:
  • Average Age:
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  • Reply Rate:
  • Usability:
  • Popularity:
  • Fraud:
    Hardly ever
  • Rating:
  • Sign up:

TGPersonals Review: What You Need to Know


TGPersonals is an online dating platform that caters to the transgender community. It was launched in 1999 and has since become one of the most popular platforms for trans people seeking companionship, love, or just a friendly chat. The app offers its users a safe space where they can meet like-minded individuals without fear of judgment or discrimination.

The TGPersonals website currently boasts over 1 million active members from all around the world with more joining every day! It’s free to join and use; however, there are some premium features available if you choose to upgrade your account which include access to additional profile options as well as advanced search filters. The site is owned by Dating Factory Ltd., based out of Switzerland but it’s popularity spans across 5 countries: USA, UK Canada Australia & New Zealand making it accessible for many different types of users regardless their location on earth .

To get started using TG Personals simply create an account either through their mobile application (available both on iOS & Android) or directly via web browser at tgpersonals dot com . Registration process requires only basic information such as age , gender identity , sexual orientation etc.. After completing registration user will be able view profiles posted by other members and contact them through private messaging system provided within service itself . Users also have option add personal description about themselves along with photos in order make sure everyone knows who they are before getting into conversation !

How Does TGPersonals Work?

TGPersonals is an app that connects transgender and gender non-conforming individuals with each other. It allows users to create profiles, search for potential matches based on their interests, post photos and videos, send messages to others in the community, or even start a live chat session. TGPersonals also offers many features designed specifically for trans people such as private messaging options which are only visible between two members of the same gender identity group; profile visibility settings so you can choose who sees your profile; custom filters so you can find exactly what type of person you’re looking for; and more! The app has over 1 million active users from all around the world including countries like USA (500k), UK (200k), Canada (100K) Germany(50K) & India(25K).

When creating a profile on TG Personals it’s important to be honest about yourself because this will help ensure better results when searching through profiles later. Users should include information such as age range they’re interested in dating within, relationship status preference – single/couple/group etc., sexual orientation preferences – straight/gay/bi etc., physical attributes like height weight body type ethnicity hair color eye color skin tone tattoos piercings etc., location where they currently reside along with any hobbies or interests that make them unique among other things. This way one can easily filter out those not meeting desired criteria thus saving time while browsing different user accounts without having to read too much into individual bios before deciding if someone is worth pursuing further contact wise .

Once these details have been filled out correctly then its time explore various possibilities available via TGPersonal’s powerful search engine feature which helps narrow down list by allowing selection parameters regarding certain aspects mentioned above plus few additional ones depending upon particular needs at hand e..g whether seeking casual encounters long term relationships friends pen pals activity partners business networking opportunities whatever case may be rest assured there’ll always something suitable fit no matter how specific tastes might happen end up being !

The app also provides several ways connect fellow members both directly indirectly instance sending message another user joining public discussion forums participating special interest groups attending virtual events hosted platform itself enabling participants interact real-time making whole experience feel lot closer traditional meetups minus need physically present somewhere due fact everyone virtually connected instead during entire duration event . Finally new arrivals recommended check out frequently asked questions section FAQs page get familiarized quickly using service answer any queries doubts arise course going full swing very soon afterwards !

  • 1.Ability to search for potential matches by location, age, gender identity and sexual orientation.
  • 2. Private messaging system that allows users to communicate securely with other members in a discreet manner.
  • 3. Advanced filtering options that allow users to narrow down their searches based on specific criteria such as body type or interests/hobbies shared with others on the site.
  • 4. Verified member profiles which ensure authenticity of all listed accounts and reduce chances of encountering fake profiles or scammers online
  • 5 .Photo albums feature where you can upload pictures privately so only those you choose can view them
  • 6 .Ability to create events within your local area for meeting up with like-minded individuals

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the TGPersonals app is a straightforward process. First, users need to provide their gender identity and orientation, then create an account with a username and password. After that they will be asked to enter some basic information such as age, location, ethnicity etc., which helps them find potential matches in their area. Finally they can add up to 5 photos of themselves for other members to view. Once all this information has been submitted successfully the user’s profile will be created and ready for use! The minimum required age for dating on TGPersonals is 18 years old or older; registration itself is free but there are additional features available through paid subscriptions if desired by the user.

  • 1.Create a username and password
  • 2. Provide valid email address
  • 3. Agree to the terms of service
  • 4. Select gender identity, sexual orientation, age range and location preferences
  • 5. Upload an appropriate profile photo (optional)
  • 6. Describe yourself in a few sentences or paragraphs (optional)
  • 7. Answer additional questions about your interests, hobbies and lifestyle choices (optional) 8 . Verify account via email link

Design and Usability of TGPersonals

The TGPersonals app has a modern design with an intuitive interface. The colors are bright and vibrant, making it easy to navigate the different features of the app. It is simple to find profiles of other people using various search filters such as age, location, interests etc. Usability wise, all functions are easily accessible from one page without having to switch between multiple menus or tabs. Additionally there may be UI improvements when you purchase a paid subscription which can enhance your user experience even further.

User Profile Quality

TGPersonals is a great platform for users to create quality profiles. Profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone on the site, including non-members. Users have the option of setting a custom bio which allows them to share more about themselves with other members. There is also an “Interests” feature that helps connect people who have similar interests or hobbies. Privacy settings are available so users can choose what information they want to keep private from others on the site, such as their location info or contact details like email address and phone number. Google and Facebook sign-in features make it easy for existing accounts holders to quickly access TGPersonals without having to set up another account profile from scratch again . Fake accounts do exist but there are measures in place designed specifically at identifying fraudulent activity before it gets out of hand.. Location info revealed in user profiles typically includes city name only, though some may indicate distance between two locations if both parties agree beforehand . Premium subscription offers additional benefits such as increased visibility when searching through potential matches , extended search options , exclusive discounts etc., making sure your profile stands out among thousands of others!


At the time of writing, TGPersonals does not have a dating website. This is likely due to its focus on providing an online community for transgender people and their admirers. The site provides users with a safe space where they can connect with others who share similar experiences or interests in gender identity, expression, and sexuality. It also offers resources such as support groups and discussion forums that allow members to talk about issues related to being transgendered without fear of judgement or ridicule from outside sources.

TGPersonals does offer an app which allows users to access the same features found on the main website but in a more convenient format for those who prefer mobile devices over desktop computers. The app has many advantages including faster loading times than most web browsers; it’s easier navigation interface; ability to send messages directly through chat rooms; customizable profile pages allowing you set your own preferences when searching for potential matches; plus much more! While there are some disadvantages associated with using apps instead of websites (such as fewer options available), overall this platform still serves its purpose well by giving transgender individuals another way find companionship within their own community safely and securely

Safety & Security

TGPersonals takes the security of its users very seriously and has implemented several measures to ensure that all accounts are verified, secure, and free from bots or fake accounts. All new members must verify their identity by providing a valid email address as well as uploading a profile photo which is manually reviewed by TGPersonals staff for authenticity before it can be approved. Additionally, there is an optional two-factor authentication process available to further protect user data and account information.

The privacy policy of TGPersonals ensures that any personal data collected from its users remains safe at all times; this includes names, emails addresses, photos uploaded etc., which will never be shared with third parties without explicit consent from the user in question first being obtained. Furthermore only necessary cookies are used on the website so no unnecessary tracking occurs while browsing through profiles or using other features within the platform itself

Pricing and Benefits

TGPersonals is a dating app that caters to the transgender community. It offers users an opportunity to connect with other like-minded individuals and find potential partners for relationships, friendships, or casual encounters. The app is free of charge and does not require any subscription fees in order to use it.

The basic features of TGPersonals are available without needing a paid subscription plan; however, if you wish access more advanced features such as unlimited messaging capabilities or detailed search filters then you will need upgrade your account by purchasing one of their premium plans:

  • Silver Plan ($19/month)

  • Gold Plan ($29/month)

  • Platinum Plan ($39/month).

These prices are competitive when compared with similar apps on the market offering similar services. Furthermore they offer discounts depending on how long you sign up for (e.g 3 months = 10% discount). If at anytime during your membership period you decide that TGpersonals isn’t right for you then there’s no problem cancelling your account which can be done through either emailing customer service directly or using the ‘Cancel Membership’ option found within settings menu once logged into the website itself . Refunds may also be requested although this depends entirely upon each individual case basis so its best contacting them first before making any decisions regarding refunds etc..    
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steganography biometrics facial recognition voice fingerprint iris scan retina scan signature identification card passport driver license credit debit prepaid loyalty rewards points systems gamification user experience personalization customization segmentation targeting positioning branding public relations pr crisis communications reputation monitoring advocacy influencer outreach event sponsorship trade shows conferences exhibitions seminars workshops hackathons meetups summits awards certifications accreditation standards benchmark benchmarks kpis key performance indicators metrics dashboards scorecards surveys polls questionnaires feedback ratings reviews recommendations testimonials endorsements word mouth referral programs incentives contests sweepstakes giveaways promotions coupons discounts deals bundles subscriptions trials freemium products services pricing strategies cost benefit analysis economic value proposition go global localization internationalization currency exchange rate fluctuations foreign exchange hedging arbitrage trading algorithmic automated bots robotics autonomous vehicles drones delivery augmented reality vr ar mr xr mixed extended realities cyber physical systems blockchains distributed ledgers smart contracts cryptocurrencies tokens coins mining staking forks consensus algorithms proof work proof stake cold wallets hot wallet exchanges markets investing speculation day swing margin leveraged derivatives futures options swaps bonds notes commodities stocks indices mutual funds etfs hedge fund portfolio diversification rebalancing indexation passive active quant quantitative fundamental technical chart patterns momentum oscillators moving averages parabolic sar macd rsi stochastics fibonacci pivot points support resistance trendlines channels flags pennants triangles wedges rectangles diamonds cup handles double tops bottoms breakouts pullbacks gaps reverses hammer hanging man morning star evening doji stars harami engulfment dark clouds piercing lines three white soldiers black crows islands island reversal outside inside downside takuri kicker high wave gap windows upside downside exhaustion island clusters forex spot forward swap cross currency carry interest rate differentials correlations cointegration volatility skew skewness kurtosis correlation coefficient regression beta alpha standard deviation sharpe ratio sortino information ratios treynor jensen alphas omega capm factor models monte carlo simulations bayesian statistics markov chains decision trees neural networks convolutional recurrent reinforcement

Help & Support

TGPersonals provides a variety of ways to access support. The website has an extensive FAQ page with answers to commonly asked questions, which can be accessed by clicking the “Help” button at the bottom right corner of any page on TGPersonals. Additionally, users can contact customer service directly via email or through their social media accounts for more specific inquiries and assistance.

The response time from customer service is usually quite fast; most emails are answered within 24 hours during business days (Monday-Friday). If you need immediate help or have an urgent question that requires attention quickly, it’s best to reach out through one of their social media channels as they tend to respond faster there than via email due to increased visibility in those platforms.

Overall, TGPersonals offers plenty of options when it comes accessing support: whether its general queries about how things work on the site or something more complex requiring personalized assistance from customer service representatives – both are available and easy enough for anyone looking for help using this platform!


1. Is TGPersonals safe?

Yes, TGPersonals is a safe and secure platform for transgender people to connect with one another. The website has taken several steps to ensure the safety of its users, including implementing strict anti-spam policies and providing an easy way for members to report any suspicious activity or content they encounter on the site. Additionally, all profiles are manually reviewed by staff before being approved so that only genuine individuals can join in order to create a safe environment where everyone feels comfortable expressing themselves without fear of judgement or harassment.

2. Is TGPersonals a real dating site with real users?

Yes, TGPersonals is a real dating site with real users. It was created in 1999 and has been helping transgender singles find their perfect match ever since. The website offers a safe and secure platform for members to connect with each other, allowing them to chat online or even meet up in person if they wish. With its large user base of over one million people from all around the world, it’s easy to see why so many have chosen this site as their go-to destination for finding love and companionship. TGPersonals also provides helpful resources such as advice on how best to approach someone you’re interested in talking too or tips on staying safe when meeting new people online – making sure that everyone can make the most out of using the service safely!

3. How to use TGPersonals app?

Using the TGPersonals app is a great way to meet new people and find potential partners. To get started, simply download the app from your device’s respective App Store or Google Play store. Once you have downloaded it, open up the application and create an account by providing some basic information such as your name, age range, gender identity/expression preference(s), location preferences (if any) etc. After creating an account successfully you can start browsing through other users’ profiles that match with yours in terms of gender identity/expression preference(s). You can then send messages to those who interest you most for further communication if both parties agree on it. The messaging feature allows users to exchange text messages as well as photos privately so they feel comfortable communicating without having their personal details revealed publicly at all times like when using public chat rooms or forums online. Additionally there are also features available which allow members to search for local events related to transgender issues where they may be able meet each other in person too!

4. Is TGPersonals free?

Yes, TGPersonals is a free dating website. It offers its users the ability to connect with other transgender singles and admirers in a safe online environment. The site has been around since 1999 and has built up an extensive user base over the years, making it one of the most popular transgender dating sites on the web today. With its easy-to-use interface and comprehensive search options, you can quickly find potential matches that meet your criteria for age range, location or interests. Plus there are no hidden fees or charges associated with using this service so you can use it without worrying about any extra costs!

5. Is TGPersonals working and can you find someone there?

Yes, TGPersonals is working and it can be a great way to find someone. The website has been around since 1999 and has grown significantly in recent years. It provides an online dating platform for transgender people looking for relationships or friendships with other trans individuals. You can search through profiles of members who are interested in the same things as you, such as gender identity, sexual orientation, age range etc., so that you have more chances of finding someone compatible with your interests and lifestyle. With its large user base from all over the world there’s bound to be somebody out there who could make a perfect match!


In conclusion, TGPersonals is a great app for those looking to find partners for dating. It has an intuitive design and easy-to-use features that make it simple to navigate the site. The safety and security measures are excellent, with strong encryption protocols in place as well as detailed terms of service agreements protecting users’ privacy. Additionally, help and support services are available if needed via email or telephone contact information provided on the website. Finally, user profiles appear to be quite comprehensive providing potential matches with plenty of detail about themselves before they decide whether or not they would like to connect further with someone else on the platform. Overall this makes TGPersonals a great choice when searching for love online!

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Author Patricia Jackson

Patricia Jackson is a passionate and experienced writer who specializes in reviews on love, sex, and online dating. She has been writing professionally for over five years, and has a deep understanding of the complexities of relationships and how they manifest online. Patricia is an expert at understanding the nuances of online dating, and she has a keen eye for the pros and cons of various platforms. Her reviews are often funny, informative, and always thought-provoking. She is an avid reader and loves to travel and explore new cultures. When she isn't writing, Patricia loves to cook, explore new recipes, and spend time with her family and friends.