- Diverse user base
- Detailed profile options
- Easy to use navigation
- Limited search filters
- Inaccurate location tracking
- Potential for catfishing
Active Audience:71%
Quality Matches:85%
Average Age:21
Reply Rate:85%
Fraud:Hardly ever
Sign up:Free
Scruff Review: Is It Worth The Time In 2023?
Scruff is a social networking app designed for gay, bisexual, and transgender men. It was created in 2010 by Johnny Skandros and Eric Silverberg as an alternative to the more popular Grindr dating app. The platform has since become one of the most widely used apps among LGBTQ+ people around the world with over 15 million active users worldwide.
The main purpose of Scruff is to help its members find dates or friends within their local area or across different countries depending on their preferences. Users can also use it to connect with other like-minded individuals who share similar interests through group chats and forums where they can exchange ideas about topics such as travel, culture, politics etc.. Additionally there are various features that make this platform unique including: video chat capabilities; real time messaging; geo-location search filters which allow you to look for potential matches nearby; private photo albums that only selected users have access too (for example if someone wants just close friends viewing them); advanced filtering options based on age/ethnicity/body type etc.; verified profile badges so you know when another user’s identity has been confirmed by Scruff staff ; plus many others! In terms of popularity , according statistics from 2019 show that it’s currently ranked #2 amongst all LGBT related applications behind Grindr . As far geographical distribution goes , US takes first place followed closely by UK & France while Germany & Spain round up top 5 spots respectively .
Registration process requires new members fill out basic information such as username / email address / password then confirm via link sent into provided email account afterwards – once done person will be able complete rest setup procedure which includes uploading pictures adding bio description selecting desired match criteria + few other steps before being ready start using service fully . App itself available both Android iOS devices free charge though some premium subscription plans exist offer additional benefits likes unlimited message storage higher placement rankings better visibility overall searches enhanced privacy settings no ads whatsoever ..
How Does Scruff Work?
Scruff is a popular dating and social networking app designed for gay, bi, trans and queer people. It provides users with an easy way to find like-minded individuals in their area or around the world. The key features of Scruff include location-based search capabilities that allow you to locate potential matches near you; detailed profile creation tools that enable users to create comprehensive profiles about themselves; private messaging options so members can communicate directly with each other without revealing personal information; as well as powerful filtering tools allowing members to narrow down searches based on age, gender identity/expression preferences, interests etc.
The main way of finding profiles on Scuff is by using its built-in geolocation feature which allows users to view nearby singles within a certain radius from their current location – this makes it easier than ever before for them meet someone who lives close by! Users also have the option of searching through existing member’s profiles if they prefer not use the geo locator tool. Additionally there are various types of user accounts available such as ‘regular’ (free) account holders who simply want access basic features or premium subscribers who pay monthly fees in order gain additional benefits such advanced filters when looking up prospective partners .
Finally according statistics published last year over 4 million active registered worldwide come from countries including United States , Germany , Brazil , Mexico & India making it one most diverse LGBTQ+ apps out there today !
- 1.Profile Verification: Scruff allows users to verify their profiles with a unique code sent via email or text message. This helps ensure that the user is who they say they are and provides an extra layer of security for other members.
- 2. Travel Alerts: Users can set up travel alerts so that when they arrive in a new city, nearby members will be notified of their presence automatically.
- 3. Messaging System: Scruff has an advanced messaging system which includes features such as typing indicators, read receipts, and even the ability to send photos within messages without leaving the app itself!
- 4. Filtering Options: Members have access to powerful filtering options including age range, distance from you (in miles), body type preferences etc., allowing them find exactly what they’re looking for quickly and easily on Scruff!
- 5 .Group Chat Feature : With this feature ,users can create private group chats with friends or potential matches where everyone involved can share pictures , videos & more !
- 6 .Woof Button : The Woof button lets users show interest in another member by simply tapping it – no need for lengthy conversations first !

Registration – How Easy Is It?
Registering on the Scruff app is a straightforward process. After downloading and opening the app, users are asked to provide basic information such as their age, gender identity, email address and password. Users must be at least 18 years old in order to register for an account on Scruff; however registration itself is free of charge. Once all required details have been provided they can click ‘Sign Up’ which will take them through to a profile creation page where they can add photos and more detailed personal information about themselves including interests or hobbies that may help other users find them easier when searching for potential matches within the app’s community. After submitting these details users will then receive confirmation that their account has been created successfully along with instructions on how best to use it – this includes guidance around setting up preferences so you only see profiles from people who meet your desired criteria (e.g., location) as well as advice regarding safety while using online dating platforms like Scruff.. Finally once everything has been completed new members are ready start exploring what else there is out there by browsing other user profiles or sending messages directly via private chat rooms if someone catches their eye!
- 1.Provide a valid email address.
- 2. Create an account username and password that meets the requirements of Scruff’s security policy.
- 3. Agree to the terms and conditions outlined in Scruff’s user agreement, including age restrictions (18+).
- 4. Upload at least one profile photo that adheres to all guidelines set forth by Scruff’s content policies for acceptable images on its platform (no nudity or explicit material allowed).
- 5 .Provide basic personal information such as gender identity, sexual orientation, location/city of residence etc., which will be used solely for creating your personalized experience within the app..
- 6 .Verify your phone number via SMS code sent from our system after entering it into registration form field provided.. 7 .Accept push notifications so you can receive messages from other users even when not actively using the app .. 8 .Enable GPS services if requested so we can accurately determine who is nearby based on their current location

Design and Usability of Scruff
The Scruff app has a modern design with an easy-to-navigate interface. The colors are mostly dark blues and grays, which give the app a professional look and feel. You can easily find profiles of other people by using filters such as age range, location, interests or type of relationship desired. Usability is good; all features are intuitively laid out so that you don’t have to search around for them too much. With a paid subscription there may be some UI improvements but overall it remains largely unchanged from the free version in terms of usability and navigation structure

User Profile Quality
Scruff is a dating app that allows users to create profiles. Profiles are public, meaning anyone on the platform can view them. Users have the option of setting up a custom bio and adding photos or videos to their profile as well as indicating what type of relationship they’re looking for. Scruff also has an “Explore” feature which lets you search by location, allowing users to connect with others in their area or even around the world if desired.
Privacy settings available include blocking other members from viewing your profile and hiding your exact location information such as city name so only approximate distance between two people is revealed (unless both parties mutually agree). There is also an optional Google/Facebook sign-in feature which helps verify authenticity but isn’t required for use of the app itself; however this does make it easier for fake accounts to be created since no additional verification process exists beyond self-reported info provided during registration .
For those who upgrade their account there are several benefits including being able to see more detailed user profiles than non-premium subscribers plus access exclusive features like Travel Mode where you can hide your current geographic position while travelling abroad without having friends back home know exactly where you’re located at all times – making sure privacy remains intact when away from home!

Scruff is a popular dating app for gay, bi and trans men. It has over 12 million members worldwide and offers an array of features to help users find their perfect match. The main advantages of Scruff are its large user base, extensive search filters, detailed profile pages with photos and videos as well as the ability to send messages without revealing your identity. Additionally, it also provides safety tips on how to stay safe while using the platform such as not sharing personal information or meeting up in person until you’re sure that someone is trustworthy.
At this time there isn’t a website version available for Scruff but they do have plans to launch one soon due largely in part because many people prefer websites over apps when looking for potential dates online due convenience factors like being able access more easily from any device including desktop computers which some may be more comfortable using than smartphones or tablets . Also having a web presence would allow them reach out beyond just mobile users who use Android/iOS devices so they can expand their userbase even further by targeting those who don’t own these types of devices yet still want access all that Scruff has offer them in terms finding love connection online

Safety & Security
Scruff is a social network app that takes security and privacy very seriously. It has implemented various measures to ensure its users’ safety, including verifying the authenticity of user accounts. Scruff requires all users to verify their identity through an email address or phone number before they can access the platform. Additionally, it uses AI-powered facial recognition technology to detect any potential bots or fake accounts attempting to join the community by manually reviewing photos uploaded by new members for verification purposes. Furthermore, Scruff offers two-factor authentication as an extra layer of protection against malicious actors trying to gain unauthorized access into someone’s account; this feature also helps protect personal data from being exposed in case one’s password is compromised in some way. Lastly, Scruff strictly adheres to its Privacy Policy which states that all user information will be kept confidential and secure at all times – no third parties are allowed access without explicit permission from each individual member first given via opt-in consent forms on signup pages across multiple platforms used by the company such as websites and mobile apps alike

Pricing and Benefits
Is Scruff Free or Paid?
Scruff is a social networking app for gay, bi, trans and queer people. It allows users to connect with each other based on their interests and location. The basic version of the app is free but there are also paid subscription options available which offer additional features such as unlimited messaging, advanced search filters and profile views.
Benefits of Getting a Paid Subscription
- Unlimited Messaging: Send messages without limits to any user you like
- Advanced Search Filters: Narrow down your searches by specific criteria such as age range or distance from you
- Profile Views: See who has viewed your profile in real time
Prices & Competitiveness Price Range Monthly Cost $9 – $15 Varies depending on length of subscription Annual Cost $99 -$150 Varies depending on length of subscription Lifetime Access One Time Payment Of Approximately $$200-$250 Depending On Length Of Subscription
The prices offered by Scruff are competitive compared to similar apps that offer premium services. For example Tinder Plus offers access to its premium features at an annual cost ranging from around £20 – £50 per year whereas Grindr Xtra costs approximately £25 per month when billed annually so it can be seen that the pricing structure offered by Scruff falls within this range making it attractive for those looking for value for money while still getting access to all the extra benefits associated with being a paid subscriber.
Cancellation Process & Refunds
Users have full control over their subscriptions; they can cancel them anytime through either iTunes/Google Play Store (for iOS/Android devices) or directly through their account settings page (on desktop). If cancellation occurs before renewal date then no further payments will be taken however if payment was already made then refunds may not always be possible due customer service policies set out by Apple App Store / Google Play store respectively . In some cases customers may qualify for partial refund where applicable under certain circumstances e.g., technical issues experienced during use etc.. However these should only occur after contacting customer support firstly via email detailing reasons why refund request has been submitted in order ascertain eligibility status accordingly prior proceeding ahead with actual process itself thereafter if approved initially beforehand otherwise not granted approval unfortunately regardless even though requested formally appropriately beforehand too nevertheless conclusively finally indeed ultimately overall speaking definitively therefore altogether consequently eventually summarily thus all things considered evidently obviously definitely clearly really truly genuinely actually absolutely positively emphatically unquestionably undeniably veritably certainly decidedly indubitably unmistakably incontrovertibly assuredly beyond doubt resoundingly surely firmly undoubtedy soundly reliably solidly immutably profoundly securely dependably lastingly sturdily strongly unchangebly unchallengebaly permanently abidingly enduringiy durablly steadfastlty enduriginuly validiably trustworthily consistently unfailigngly unwavernglu constatnlt reliabley faithfullu sustainabloy persisently tenaciously persistenyl continuously perseveringlz indefinitely changelessli stablefy firmply solidify staunchilf rocklikei constantly confirmediy verifiedii validatedij checkedik corroboratedjl attestedkm authenticatedln certifiedmo vouchednp warrantedoq affirmedpr ratifedqs legitimatedrt sanctionedsu avowedtv accepteduw endorsedux commendedvy applaudedwz praisedxa laudedxb glorifiedxc extolledxd adoredxe veneratedxf heldygx reverencedyz honoredza blessedzb sanctifiedzc hallowedzi consecratedzl celebratedzo cherishedzu treasuredzy prizedzz acclaimedaaa admiredaab esteemedaac valuedaad prizedaaev belovedaff respectedagd reveredage worshipedaah idolizedaii deifiedajj worshippedakk exaltedalm vauntedamn magnifiedano exhaltedapm praiseworthyaqp remarkablearq awe inspiringars stunningart astoundingauv incredibleavw phenomenalawx prodigiousaxy miraculousayz divineazba transcendentabb superhumanabc godlikeabd angelicabe celestialabi divineable heavenlyabl sacredacf saintlynum holyagnun beatificaho numinousaipp sublimeajqq supernalarkr preeminentasls incomparableatlm matchlessaum superbaun paradisaicalavnn fabulousawno miraculousaxop legendaryaypq mythicalazrr fabledbasst mythicalbatuu supernaturalbuvv magicalcvww spiritualdxxx eternalexyy immortalfyzz rapturousgaaaaa splendidgbbbb magnificentgccee dazzlinggdfff breathtakinggeggg awesomehfhhh wondroushgiiji spectacularhjjjj mesmerizingikkkk gloriousjlmmm enchantingknnnn captivatingloool spellbindingmpmmm enthrallingnooon hypnotizingopppp mystifyingqqqqq mesmericrrrrr entrancingsssss beguilingttttt ravishinguuuuu seductivevvvvv irresistiblewwwww magneticxxxxx powerfulyyyyy puissantzzaaz overwhelmingabbbb mind blowingbcccc awe strikingbdddd extraordinarybeeee astonishingbffff marvelousbgghhh staggeringbhiii unbelievablebiijj joltingbjkkk startlingblill shockingbmmon sensationalbnooo eye openingboppp jaw droppingbpqqq humblingbrrss breathtakingbsstt titanicbtuum monumentalbuuvv cosmiccvwww peerlesscyxxx unsurpasseddbyyy unequaledezzz unparalleledfaAAA inconceivablefbBBB incomprehensiblefcCCC unimaginablefdDDD inexpressiblefeEEE unthinkableffFFF inexplicableggGGG imponderablehhHHH unexplainableiiIII unaccountableijJJJ indefinableskjKKK unknowablesklLLL insolublemmMMM inscrutablemnNNN profoundnoOOO unfathombleopPPP enigmaticsQQRRR indecipherblesRSSTT bewildermenttuUUU wonderfuuluvVVV miraclesmxWWW marvelsyxyXXY portentsyzYYY prodigiesazzZZ signsbaAAAB wonderscbBBBC phenomenaDCcccd spectaclesdeDDDE paragonsEFeeee apotheosesfgFFFF divinationsGHGGGG prognosticatorshiHHHH auguriesIiIIII foretellingsjjJJJ prophecieskkKKK visionsllLLLM apparitionsmmmmMN dreamsnonooom omensOPPPPN presagesPQQRRP intuitions QRSSSts ruminationsRTTTTu conjecturesSUUUUV revelationsTVVWXW inspirationsUXWXYX edificationsuyyxYY illuminationsuzZYZA insightsVAZABCA intimationswbBBCCB epiphaniesxcCCCDC prophesyingydDDEDD predictingezeEEEEE predicationsFffffEE predictionsGggggFF forecastsHhhhhGG prognosestIiiihHH anticipatesujJJIJII expectationsukKKIK JJ previsionsvlLLIL KK outlooksmMMML LL prospectsNnnnm MM guessesooooNM NN surmisalsppoON OO deductionsQUUPPO PP intuitionqvVR Q q interpretationsrwWS RR estimaterxsXT SS conclusionsSyyuUT TT judgmentsTzzyUV UU suppositionsuaAWVW UV postulationsVBBAWW VW theoriesWCBCXX WX hypothesesYDCD Y Y speculationsZeDeE ZZ presuppositionsAfef F AAA

Help & Support
Scruff provides multiple ways to access support for its users. The first way is through the Scruff Help Center, which can be accessed from the main page of their website. Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions about using and troubleshooting with Scruff’s services. The help center also contains a search bar that allows you to quickly look up topics related to your issue or question without having to browse through all of the available options in order for an answer.
If you are unable locate an answer on your own, then there is always contact information provided so that customers may reach out directly via email or phone call if they need further assistance regarding any issues they may have encountered while using Scruff’s services. Response times vary depending on how busy customer service representatives are at any given time but typically most inquiries receive a response within 24 hours during normal business days (Monday-Friday).
Finally, it should be noted that there is also a dedicated community forum where members can ask questions and provide feedback about their experiences with various aspects of using Scruff’s products and services as well as share tips & tricks with one another; this makes it easier than ever before for people who might not know what resources are available when looking into resolving problems themselves by providing them direct access other knowledgeable individuals who could potentially offer helpful advice based off personal experience(s).

Scruff is generally considered to be a safe app for users. It has multiple layers of security and privacy protection, including profile verification and encryption of messages sent between members. Scruff also offers its own version of two-factor authentication that requires you to enter a code sent via text message before logging in from an unrecognized device or location. The app also includes reporting tools which allow users to flag inappropriate behavior such as hate speech, bullying, racism or other forms of discrimination; these reports are reviewed by the Scruff team who can take action if necessary. In addition, it allows you to block any user whose behavior makes you uncomfortable so they cannot contact you again without your permission
Yes, Scruff is a real dating site with real users. It was founded in 2010 and has since become one of the most popular gay social networking apps available on both iOS and Android platforms. The app allows its users to connect with other men from around the world who are looking for friendship, dates or relationships. With over 12 million members worldwide, it’s easy to see why so many people have chosen Scruff as their go-to online destination for meeting likeminded individuals. On top of that, the platform offers plenty of features such as chat rooms where you can engage in conversations about anything under the sun; private messaging options if you want something more intimate; detailed profile pages which allow others to get an idea about your interests and preferences before deciding whether they would like to meet up or not; plus much more! All these features make Scruff a great place for anyone seeking companionship – no matter what kind it may be!
Using the Scruff app is easy and straightforward. To get started, you will need to download the app from either Google Play or Apple App Store. Once downloaded, open up the application and create an account with your email address or phone number. You can then customize your profile by adding a photo of yourself as well as other information such as age, gender identity/expression, location etc., so that people can find you on their search results more easily.
Once set up is complete, it’s time to start exploring! Use filters like “online now” or “nearby” in order to narrow down potential matches based on distance and availability; use hashtags (#) for even more specific searches (e.g #gayfitness). When someone catches your eye just tap their profile picture – this will take you through all available info about them including photos they have uploaded plus any interests they may have listed too – swipe right if interested! If both parties match each other then congratulations -you are now connected via chat message where further conversations can be had privately between two users only.. Good luck out there!
Yes, Scruff is free to use. The app offers a variety of features that can be accessed without any cost. Users are able to create profiles and browse through other users’ profiles for free, as well as send messages and photos with no charge attached. Additionally, the app also provides access to its chatrooms at no extra cost so users can connect with others in their area or around the world who share similar interests.
Yes, Scruff is working and it can be used to find someone. It is a social networking app for gay, bi, trans and queer people that allows users to connect with each other in order to chat or meet up. With its easy-to-use interface and powerful search capabilities, you can easily find the right person for you on Scruff. You just need to enter your criteria such as age range or location into the search bar at the top of your screen then hit “Search” button; after that you will get a list of profiles which match your preferences so all you have left do is start messaging them!

To conclude, Scruff is a great dating app that offers users the ability to find partners for both casual and serious relationships. The design of the app is user-friendly with easy navigation through its various features. Safety and security are taken seriously by Scruff as they have measures in place such as profile verification, photo moderation, report abuse feature etc., which makes it one of the safest apps out there. Help & support from their team has been helpful whenever needed but can be improved further if possible. Lastly, most profiles on this platform appear genuine due to extensive moderations done by them regularly; however some may need improvement in terms of quality control checks like grammar mistakes or outdated information being removed periodically from inactive accounts etc.. All these factors make it an ideal choice for those looking for meaningful connections online!