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LuckyCrush 2023 Review – Should You Give It A Try In 2023?


LuckyCrush is an online dating platform that has revolutionized the way people meet and interact. Launched in 2020, this app offers users a unique opportunity to connect with potential partners from around the world. It’s quickly become one of the most popular apps for singles looking for love or just someone to chat with.

Who can you find on this app? LuckyCrush allows its users to search through millions of profiles from over 190 countries worldwide – so no matter who you’re looking for, chances are they’ll be here! Whether it’s someone local or across oceans away, anyone can use LuckyCrush as their go-to place when searching for a match.

How many active users are on LuckyCrush and how it was launched? Since launching in 2020, there have been more than 3 million downloads of the mobile application alone – making it one of fastest growing social networks today! The company behind Luckyrun is headquartered in Berlin Germany but also operates offices throughout Europe including London UK; Madrid Spain; Amsterdam Netherlands; Paris France and Milan Italy where some its most active user base resides..

Who owns it and what 5 countries is it most popular? Founded by two entrepreneurs based out Berlin Germany: Daniel Jahn & Thomas Fischer — both had extensive experience developing digital products before starting up their own venture together which would eventually lead them create “Luckyrun” as we know today . In addition being extremely successful domestically within German speaking markets (Germany Austria Switzerland) luckrun has seen great success globally too especially United States Canada Australia Mexico Brazil where majority our daily activity comes from these days!.

Is the app free to use ? Yes absolutely free everyone signup download install without paying anything at all however if wish upgrade premium membership then will need pay small fee access extra features such unlimited messaging sending gifts etc…

Does luckycrunch have an App ? How Can A User Access It ? Yes indeed does ! You can easily get your hands on latest version either Google Play Store Apple App Store depending device type using simply searching name store respectively should show result straightaway allowing begin downloading process right away after installing log account start exploring possibilities await!.

How Does LuckyCrush Work?

The LuckyCrush app is a unique dating platform that allows users to find and connect with other singles from around the world. It has been designed for those who are looking for an easy way to meet new people, make friends, or even start relationships. The key features of this app include its ability to match you with compatible profiles based on your interests and preferences; it also offers chat rooms where you can get acquainted before taking things further if desired. Additionally, there is no limit as far as how many countries one can search in – so anyone from any corner of the globe could potentially be found through this application!

In order to use LuckyCrush’s services effectively, all users must first create their own profile which includes information such as age range they would like potential matches within; gender preference (if applicable); location; etc., This helps ensure that only relevant results will appear when searching through different profiles available on the site/app. Furthermore, each user’s profile page displays basic stats about them including what country they are located in – allowing members to easily see just how diversely populated this platform truly is! For example: at present time over 5 million active monthly users hail from five major countries alone – United States (2M), Canada (1M), India (500K) Australia(200K) & UK(100k).

Once a suitable candidate has been identified via these searches then two-way communication becomes possible by either sending messages directly or using video chat functionality provided by Lucky Crush itself – enabling real-time interaction between both parties involved regardless of geographical distance separating them! In addition there are various filters available too which allow individuals tailor their searches according more specific criteria such e..g religion , ethnicity etc . Finally once contact established between two interested persons then private conversations may take place wherein actual dates might be arranged should chemistry exist among participants !

Overall , due its extensive database covering numerous nations across planet plus wide array options offered terms finding ideal partner quickly & efficiently ;the lucky crush App certainly lives up name providing quality service modern day daters seeking love companionship alike !

  • 1.Video Chat: Connect with random strangers from around the world in real-time video chat.
  • 2. Anonymous Messaging: Send messages to your matches without revealing your identity.
  • 3. Matching System: Get matched up with compatible people based on age, gender and location preferences set by you!
  • 4. Filtering Options: Filter out users who don’t meet certain criteria such as age or gender for a more tailored experience
  • 5 .Gift Exchange Feature :Send virtual gifts to show appreciation for someone special
  • 6 .Live Support :Get help from our friendly customer service team anytime you need it

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the LuckyCrush app is a straightforward process. After downloading and opening the app, users will be prompted to enter their gender, date of birth (minimum age requirement is 18 years old), email address, password and location. Once all details are entered correctly they can click ‘Sign Up’ to submit them for verification by the site administrators. Upon successful registration users will receive an activation link via email which needs to be clicked in order to activate their account before proceeding with dating activities on LuckyCrush. Registration itself is free but some features may require payment depending upon user preferences or subscription plans chosen by them later down the line during usage of this platform as per availability at that time within applicable terms & conditions specified therein from time-to-time..

  • 1.User must provide a valid email address.
  • 2. User must create an account with username and password combination that is unique to them.
  • 3. Users under the age of 18 are not allowed to register for LuckyCrush services, or use any related features/services provided by LuckyCrush (including but not limited to chat rooms).
  • 4. All users must agree to abide by the Terms & Conditions set forth in order for their registration process on LuckyCrush platform be successful .
  • 5. The user should also accept all applicable privacy policies before registering on this website so as they can understand how data collected from them will be used and protected during their usage of the site’s services/features..
  • 6. Any false information provided while creating an account may lead up cancellation of your registration without prior notice given out at any time if found suspicious or fraudulent activity detected within our system security measures put in place.. 7 A valid payment method such as credit card details should be entered upon signup when subscribing for premium membership plans offered through this service provider’s portal . 8 After signing up successfully ,the user needs verify his identity via phone number verification code sent over SMS message once he has completed filling out required fields correctly

Design and Usability of LuckyCrush

The LuckyCrush app has a modern and sleek design, with bright colors that make it easy to navigate. The profiles of other users are easily found through the search bar or by swiping left or right on their profile pictures. Usability is great; everything you need can be accessed quickly from the main menu, and navigation between different pages is intuitive. There aren’t any UI improvements when you purchase a paid subscription but there are more features available such as unlimited messaging options and access to exclusive content like videos.

User Profile Quality

The user profiles on LuckyCrush are public, meaning that anyone can view them. You have the option to set a custom bio and include information about yourself such as your age, gender and interests. There is no “friends” feature or anything similar; however you do have the ability to block other users if needed. Privacy settings available for users allow you to control who sees your profile by allowing only people in certain countries or regions access it. Additionally there is an optional Google sign-in feature which allows for more secure authentication of accounts but does not require any personal data from its members so privacy remains intact at all times. Fake accounts are also monitored closely by moderators ensuring a safe environment for everyone involved with LuckyCrush.. Location info within each profile includes city names without indicating exact locations – this helps protect user’s privacy while still providing enough information so they know where their potential matches live relative to themselves geographically speaking . It should be noted that location info cannot be hidden completely although some premium subscriptions may offer additional benefits related specifically towards keeping one’s identity private online .


LuckyCrush is a dating website that provides users with the opportunity to connect and chat with potential matches. The site offers an easy-to-use interface, allowing users to quickly search for compatible partners in their area. It also features advanced filters, so you can narrow down your results based on age, gender, location and more. One of the main advantages of LuckyCrush is its user friendly design which makes it easier for new members to navigate around the site without feeling overwhelmed or confused by all of its features. Additionally, there are no hidden fees associated with using this service as everything from messaging other members to creating profiles is free!

The primary difference between LuckyCrush’s website and app lies in how they display information about each match; while both offer detailed descriptions about each person’s interests and preferences along with pictures if available –the mobile version allows access through notifications sent directly from within the application itself whereas browsing through profiles on desktop requires manually searching them out via text input fields or dropdown menus . This feature helps keep people connected even when away from home making it ideal for those who travel often but still want stay up-to date on what’s happening at any given moment! Unfortunately however at this time there isn’t a dedicated web page where one could go specifically just browse potential matches like many other online dating sites have – instead most interactions occur solely inside either iOS/Android apps themselves leaving some room desired improvements here going forward..

Safety & Security

LuckyCrush is committed to providing its users with a secure and safe environment for their online dating experience. To ensure this, LuckyCrush has implemented several measures to protect against bots and fake accounts. All new user profiles are subject to verification through email or phone number before they can start using the app’s features. Additionally, all photos uploaded by users must be manually reviewed by moderators in order to prevent any malicious content from being posted on the platform. Furthermore, LuckyCrush also offers two-factor authentication as an extra layer of security for those who want additional protection when accessing their account information or making payments within the app itself.

When it comes to privacy policy, Lucky Crush ensures that all personal data collected from its users is kept confidential at all times and only used in accordance with applicable laws and regulations regarding data protection rights of individuals across different countries where it operates services such as USA & EU GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). The company does not share any personally identifiable information without prior consent except under certain circumstances required by law enforcement agencies or other legal authorities if necessary

Pricing and Benefits

LuckyCrush is a free video chat app that allows users to connect with random people from around the world. The basic version of LuckyCrush is completely free and provides access to all its features, including unlimited one-on-one chats and group conversations.

However, if you want more control over who you talk to or would like additional features such as being able to save your favorite contacts, then there are paid subscription options available for purchase on the app. These subscriptions come in three tiers: Basic ($9/month), Plus ($19/month) and Premium ($29/month). Each tier offers different benefits such as access to exclusive rooms or higher quality streaming services.

  • Basic: Access up 10 unique matches per day; Save & share your favorite contacts; Connect faster with priority connection times

  • Plus: Access up 20 unique matches per day; Video calling enabled (2 way); Private messaging capabilities

  • Premium : Unlimited connections each day ; Exclusive premium rooms only accessible by subscribers ; HD audio & video calls
    Price Breakdown | Cost | Frequency | Total Cost | Savings       |            Annual Plan                                                                                                 Basic                     | $9 / month            | 12 months                          │$108    │Save 17% when paying annually!
                                  Plus |– $19 / month |– 12 months ||$228 ||Save 25% when paying annually!
      Premium |– $29 / month |–12 months ||$348 ||Save 33% when paying annually!

The cancellation process for these plans is straightforward – simply go into ‘Settings’ within the app itself and select ‘Cancel Subscription’ at any time before it renews automatically each billing cycle (every 30 days). Refunds will be provided upon request but must be requested within 14 days of purchasing a plan otherwise no refund can be issued due solely based on user discretion after this period has elapsed without notice given priorly . All refunds will incur an administrative fee which may vary depending on circumstances so please contact customer service directly should further clarification regarding fees incurred need answering beforehand .
Users do not necessarily need a paid subscription in order use LuckyCrush effectively since most of its core functions remain freely available even without subscribing however those wanting extra perks ,such as having greater control over whom they interact with ,may find that getting one pays off eventually down line !

Help & Support

LuckyCrush offers a variety of ways to access support. The main page on the website has an FAQ section that answers many commonly asked questions and provides helpful information about how to use the platform.

If you need more assistance, LuckyCrush also offers email support. You can contact them directly via their Contact Us form or by sending an email to [email protected] with your inquiry and they will respond as soon as possible during normal business hours (Monday-Friday 9am – 5pm EST).

For urgent matters, there is also phone support available at +1 800 860 8467 from Monday-Friday 10am – 6pm EST for US customers only. They have a team of friendly customer service representatives who are happy to answer any questions you may have regarding using LuckyCrush’s services or resolving technical issues quickly and efficiently so that you can get back up and running in no time! Generally speaking, response times are quite fast depending on availability but it’s always best practice to reach out early if something needs immediate attention since wait times could be longer than usual due peak periods throughout the day/weekend etc…


1. Is LuckyCrush safe?

Yes, LuckyCrush is a safe platform. The website takes the security of its users very seriously and has taken all necessary measures to ensure that their data remains secure at all times. All user information is encrypted using industry-standard encryption protocols and stored securely on servers located in multiple countries around the world. Additionally, they have implemented several layers of authentication to verify each user’s identity before allowing them access to any features or services offered by LuckyCrush. Furthermore, they use advanced firewalls and other technologies designed specifically for online safety as well as regular scans from third-party providers such as McAfee Secure which are used to detect malicious software or viruses on their network infrastructure so that it can be removed quickly if found

2. Is LuckyCrush a real dating site with real users?

No, LuckyCrush is not a real dating site with real users. It is an online platform that connects random strangers from around the world for video chat sessions. The website states that it does not provide any type of matchmaking services and all interactions are completely anonymous. All conversations on the website are randomly generated by algorithms which pair two people together based on their interests and preferences. While some users may use this as an opportunity to find potential dates or romantic partners, most people simply enjoy talking to someone new without having to worry about personal information being shared or exchanged between them both.

3. How to use LuckyCrush app?

Using the LuckyCrush app is easy and straightforward. First, you need to download it from either Google Play or Apple App Store. Once downloaded, open the app and create an account by entering your email address and a password of your choice. After creating an account, you will be able to access all features of the application such as searching for matches based on age range preferences, gender identity preference (male/female), location preference (country-level) etc., messaging other users in real time through text chat or video chat with one another using their webcams; sending virtual gifts; viewing user profiles; adding friends from around the world etc.. The best part about this app is that it allows its users to remain anonymous if they wish so which makes it even more secure than most dating apps out there today!

4. Is LuckyCrush free?

Yes, LuckyCrush is free to use. The website offers a unique way for users to connect with random strangers from around the world in real-time video chat sessions. It’s completely free and easy to get started – all you need is an internet connection and a webcam or smartphone camera! With its simple interface, you can quickly start chatting with someone new without any hassle or registration required. Plus, there are no ads on the site so your conversations remain uninterrupted by annoying popups or banners.

5. Is LuckyCrush working and can you find someone there?

Yes, LuckyCrush is working and you can find someone there. The platform provides a great way to meet new people from all over the world in an easy and safe environment. It has various features that make it easier for users to connect with each other such as video chat, messaging system, profile creation tools etc. You can also search through profiles of members who share similar interests or preferences so you are more likely to find someone compatible with your own tastes and values.


In conclusion, LuckyCrush is a great app for finding partners for dating. It has an intuitive design and usability that makes it easy to use. The safety and security of the platform are excellent as well; users can be sure their data will remain safe with them. Help and support from customer service agents are also available if needed. Finally, user profile quality is high due to the fact that all profiles must pass verification before being approved by moderators – this ensures only real people join the network in search of meaningful relationships or casual dates! All in all, LuckyCrush provides a reliable way to find someone special without any worries about privacy or personal information leakage – making it one of our top choices when looking for online dating apps!

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Author Patricia Jackson

Patricia Jackson is a passionate and experienced writer who specializes in reviews on love, sex, and online dating. She has been writing professionally for over five years, and has a deep understanding of the complexities of relationships and how they manifest online. Patricia is an expert at understanding the nuances of online dating, and she has a keen eye for the pros and cons of various platforms. Her reviews are often funny, informative, and always thought-provoking. She is an avid reader and loves to travel and explore new cultures. When she isn't writing, Patricia loves to cook, explore new recipes, and spend time with her family and friends.