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Is Bristlr the Right Place for Your Dating Adventure?


Bristlr is a unique dating app that connects people with beards to those who love them. It was launched in 2014 by John Kershaw, an English software developer from Manchester. The app’s tagline reads “Connecting Those With Beards To Those Who Want To Stroke Them” and it has become one of the most popular apps for connecting beard-lovers around the world. Bristlr currently boasts over 1 million active users across five countries: United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Ireland.

The platform offers a variety of features such as messaging capabilities between members; custom profile settings; detailed search filters based on age range or location preferences; and even an interactive map feature which allows you to see where other bearded men are located nearby! As well as these features there are also many fun activities like quizzes or photo competitions available through Bristlr’s social media channels – making it easy for anyone looking for some lighthearted entertainment too!

Bristlr is free to use but does offer premium membership options which allow access to additional features such as unlimited messages per day (instead of three) plus priority customer support if needed at any time during your experience using the site/app. If you decide not go ahead with this option then all basic services remain completely free so don’t worry about having pay anything unless you want extra perks included in your subscription package!

To register on Bristlryou simply need enter some basic information including email address name gender etc., create a password confirm terms & conditions click submit button – job done!. Once registered users can log into their account via either website version mobile application depending upon device preference . There isn’t much difference between two versions apart from fact interface looks slightly different due ease navigation smartphone tablets versus desktop computers laptops . So no matter what type device user owns they will still able enjoy same great service provided by bristly team regardless !

How Does Bristlr Work?

Bristlr is a social networking app that helps people find and connect with others who have similar interests. It has become increasingly popular since its launch in 2014, with over 1 million users from all around the world. The key features of Bristlr are simple yet effective; it allows you to search for profiles based on location, age range, gender or interests such as music and sports. You can also create your own profile by adding photos and information about yourself so other users can get an idea of what you’re like before deciding whether they want to contact you or not.

The main focus of Bristlr is helping people meet new friends in their area – but there are plenty more options available too! For example, if someone wants to date then they can use the ‘Dating’ feature which will show them potential matches within their chosen criteria (age range etc). Additionally there’s a ‘People Nearby’ section where users can see who else is using the app nearby – this could be great for finding out about local events or just meeting up with some new faces! Finally there’s also an option called ‘Random Chat’, which lets two random strangers chat anonymously without revealing any personal details until both parties feel comfortable enough to do so – perfect for those looking for something less serious than dating!

In terms of user demographics, most Bristlr members come from North America (around 45%), followed by Europe (25%) and Asia-Pacific countries at 20%. There are also many active members coming from South America & Africa making up 10% combined between them both. In total over 70 different countries have registered accounts on this platform already showing how diverse it really is when it comes down to connecting individuals worldwide regardless of geographical boundaries!.

Finding specific profiles on Bristlr isn’t difficult either thanks largely due its advanced search function allowing anyone interested in another person easily locate him/her according tp various criteria including hobbies & interests plus physical attributes such as height/weight ratio among other things . This makes sure that everyone finds exactly what he/she needs quickly without wasting time scrolling through hundreds upon thousands irrelevant results one after another..

For those worried about privacy concerns while using apps like these should rest assured knowing that all data collected remains confidential unless explicitly stated otherwise meaning no third party companies ever gain access nor share any info whatsoever regarding individual accounts thus keeping each account safe secure 24 hours day 7 days week 365 days year round period end sentence !

  • 1.Customized Search: Bristlr allows users to search for potential matches based on their specific criteria, such as age, location and interests.
  • 2. Verified Profiles: All profiles are verified by the team at Bristlr before they can be seen by other members of the community. This ensures that all users have a safe and secure experience when using the app.
  • 3. Matchmaking System: The matchmaking system helps connect people who share similar interests or values in order to create meaningful connections between them over time.
  • 4 .Messaging Feature : Users can easily communicate with each other through private messages or public chat rooms available within the app itself without having to leave it for another platform like WhatsApp etc..
  • 5 .Events & Activities : Events organized exclusively for Bristlr’s user base help foster real-life interactions among its members which further strengthens bonds formed online via messaging/chatting feature provided inside this application 6 .Secure Payment Gateway : To ensure safety of payments made while availing any services offered by bristler ,a secure payment gateway is also included in this application

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the Bristlr app is a straightforward process. First, you will need to provide your email address and create a password. You can then enter some basic information about yourself such as gender, age, location and interests. After submitting this information you will be asked to upload an image of yourself so that other users can identify who they are talking with when messaging or chatting online. Once all these steps have been completed successfully your account will be created and ready for use! The minimum required age to begin dating on the app is 18 years old; however registration itself is free for everyone regardless of their age or background.

  • 1.User must create a valid username and password
  • 2. User must provide an email address for verification purposes
  • 3. Must be 18 years of age or older to register
  • 4. Acceptance of Terms & Conditions
  • 5. Agree to Privacy Policy
  • 6. Optionally enter personal information such as gender, location, interests etc 7 . Upload profile photo (optional) 8 . Confirm registration via email

Design and Usability of Bristlr

The design of the Bristlr app is modern and intuitive. It uses a combination of bold colors, such as blues and oranges, to create an eye-catching look that’s easy on the eyes. The user interface is well organized with clearly labeled buttons for navigation throughout the app.

Finding profiles of other people in Bristlr is simple thanks to its powerful search engine which allows users to quickly filter through potential matches based on location or interests. Additionally, users can browse through suggested connections from their area or around the world by using swipe gestures similar to those found in popular dating apps like Tinder or Bumble.

Using this application couldn’t be easier; all features are easily accessible via menus at either side of each page while swiping left/right enables quick navigation between different sections within it without having any confusion about where you should go next due to its clear layout structure & labeling system used across every part making it very usable even for first time visitors who don’t have much experience with online dating platforms yet! Purchasing a paid subscription unlocks additional UI improvements such as more detailed profile information & access exclusive content not available otherwise – allowing members greater control over how they present themselves when looking for love online!

User Profile Quality

Paragraph 1: Bristlr is a dating platform that allows users to create public profiles. Users can set custom bios and add pictures, but there are no “friends” features or anything similar. Privacy settings are available for those who wish to keep their information private, including the ability to hide location info if desired. There is also an option for Google or Facebook sign-in which helps protect against fake accounts on the site.

Paragraph 2: Location info in user profiles may reveal city names but not exact addresses; however, it does provide some indication of distance between users so they know how far away potential matches might be located from them geographically speaking. Premium subscription holders have access to additional benefits such as more profile views and higher visibility among other members of the community – all designed with helping people find love in mind!

Paragraph 3: User profile quality on Bristlr is generally good since everyone has gone through a verification process before being allowed onto the platform – this ensures only real people make up its membership base while keeping out any fakes trying to scam unsuspecting singles looking for love online! The high level of security makes sure your personal data remains safe at all times too – something we take very seriously here at Bristlr!


Bristlr is a dating website and app that helps people find love. It was created in 2014 by John Kershaw, who wanted to create an online platform for connecting bearded men with admirers of facial hair. The site has since grown into one of the most popular social networks for singles looking to meet someone special.

The main advantage of Bristlr is its user-friendly interface and wide selection of potential matches from all over the world. Users can search through profiles based on their interests, location or age range, as well as view photos and read about other users’ hobbies or interests before deciding if they want to connect with them further via private messaging or video chat options available on the site/app. In addition, Bristlr offers features such as “Likes” which allows users to quickly show interest in another person without having to send a message first; this feature also serves as an icebreaker between two strangers who may not have otherwise interacted due some initial shyness! Some disadvantages include limited profile customization options compared other sites/apps like Tinder & Bumble; however these limitations are offset by its unique approach towards matchmaking which focuses more heavily on personality traits rather than physical appearance alone (as seen through it’s tagline: "Connecting those with beards…to those who wish they had one!").

At present there is no official dating website associated with Bristlr but many members use it daily nonetheless – primarily because unlike traditional apps like Tinder & Bumble where looks take precedence over compatibility when matching up couples – here at bristler we prioritize common values instead so you know your connection will last beyond just superficiality! Unfortunately though due lack resources currently investing time into creating a full fledged version would be difficult task given how much work goes behind developing something like this from scratch – thus why at moment our focus remains solely mobile application form until situation changes down line sometime future hopefully then we’ll able bring out web presence everyone enjoy too!

Safety & Security

Bristlr is a dating app that takes security seriously. To protect its users, it has implemented several measures to ensure the safety of their accounts and data. All user profiles are verified through an email verification process before they can access the platform’s features. Additionally, Bristlr uses advanced algorithms to detect bots and fake accounts by analyzing suspicious activity such as sending spam messages or creating multiple accounts with similar information. Photos uploaded by users are also manually reviewed for any inappropriate content before being posted on the site, ensuring only appropriate images appear in public viewable areas of the app. Furthermore, two-factor authentication (2FA) is available for extra account protection; this requires both a password and additional verification code sent via text message when logging into your account from unknown devices or locations outside your home network range .

In terms of privacy policy compliance , Bristlr strictly adheres to all applicable laws related to personal data processing including GDPR guidelines which require companies collecting user data have clear policies outlining how they use customer information collected during registration processes . They make sure customers know exactly what type of personal details will be stored , who may access them , why those details were requested in first place etc., so that people feel safe while using their services .

Pricing and Benefits

Is a Paid Subscription Necessary on Bristlr?

Bristlr is an app that connects people with beards to those who love them. It’s free to join and use the basic features, but there are also paid subscription options available for users who want additional benefits. So do users really need a paid subscription in order to get the most out of their experience on Bristlr? Let’s take a look at what you can expect from each option:

  • Free – With this option, you have access to all of the core features such as creating your profile, searching for matches based on location or interests, sending messages and so forth. You will also receive occasional promotional offers from other businesses related to beard care products or services.

  • Paid Subscriptions – There are two levels of subscriptions available; Standard ($9/month) and Premium ($19/month). The main benefit here is unlimited messaging which allows you send an unlimited number of messages per day without any restrictions (this feature alone makes it worth considering if communication is important for finding someone special). Other perks include advanced search filters that let you narrow down potential matches even further plus exclusive discounts off select beard-related products & services offered by partner companies associated with Bristlr .
    Standard Plan : $9 / month Premium Plan: $19 / month

In terms of cancellation process , cancelling your account takes just one click within settings page in case user wants refund then they should contact customer service team directly via email support@bristrlapp . Refunds may not always be possible depending upon when user has cancelled his account however refunds shall generally be processed within 7 working days after approval by customer service team .

Overall , while paying subscribers certainly enjoy more advantages than non-paying members does , whether or not getting one depends entirely uponthe individual needs & preferences since free version still provides enough value through its core functionalities like messaging etc..

Help & Support

Bristlr is a social media platform that allows users to connect with one another and share their experiences. As such, it provides access to support in various ways for its members.

The first way of accessing help on Bristlr is through the Help Center page which can be found at the bottom of every page on the website. This contains frequently asked questions as well as instructions and tips about how to use certain features within Bristlr. Additionally, there are links available from this page where you can contact customer service via email or phone if needed – response times vary depending upon your query but generally tend to be quite quick when contacting by email or phone during normal business hours (9am-5pm).

Finally, for more general queries not answered in the Help Center section then users may also find answers quickly using search engines like Google or Yahoo! Simply type ‘Bristlr Support’ into either engine followed by any additional keywords related to your question and relevant results should appear shortly afterwards – these will usually include both official pages from Bristlr itself along with third party websites providing helpful advice too so make sure you check all sources before making any decisions based off them!


1. Is Bristlr safe?

Bristlr is a safe and secure dating platform that takes the safety of its users seriously. The website uses advanced encryption technology to protect user data, so you can rest assured your personal information is kept private. Additionally, Bristlr has strict policies in place to prevent any inappropriate or malicious behavior from occurring on the site. All profiles are verified before being approved for use on the site, which helps ensure only real people with genuine intentions join up and interact with other members safely. Furthermore, there are numerous features available within Bristlr such as two-factor authentication for extra security when logging into accounts as well as blocking options if needed so that unwanted attention can be avoided altogether if necessary. Overall, it’s clear that Bristlr takes great measures to keep their users safe while providing an enjoyable online experience at all times!

2. Is Bristlr a real dating site with real users?

Yes, Bristlr is a real dating site with real users. It was founded in 2014 and has since grown to become one of the most popular online dating sites for those looking for meaningful connections. The website caters specifically to people who are interested in connecting with others based on their facial hair preferences or lack thereof. Users can create profiles that list their own facial hair style as well as what they’re looking for from potential matches – whether it be someone who also loves long beards, someone clean-shaven, or something else entirely! With its easy-to-use interface and detailed profile options, Bristlr makes finding compatible partners quick and simple so you don’t have to waste time searching through endless incompatible matches like other websites may offer.

3. How to use Bristlr app?

Using the Bristlr app is easy and straightforward. First, you’ll need to create an account with your email address or Facebook profile. Once you’ve done that, you can start browsing through other users’ profiles by searching for people based on their interests, location or age range. You can also use advanced filters to narrow down your search results even further if needed.

Once you find someone who catches your eye, simply click ‘like’ and wait for them to like back before sending a message! If they do respond positively then it’s time to get chatting – send messages directly from within the app itself in order make sure conversations are kept private between both parties involved only (which helps keep things safe). If all goes well after exchanging some messages then why not suggest meeting up? Bristlr makes this process simple too; just select ‘meetup’ when messaging someone new and follow the instructions provided – no awkward phone calls required!

4. Is Bristlr free?

Yes, Bristlr is free to use. The website does not require any payment or subscription fees in order to access its services. It allows users to create a profile and search for potential matches without having to pay anything. Furthermore, the website also offers additional features such as messaging other members and viewing their profiles at no cost whatsoever. Therefore, anyone interested in finding someone special can do so without spending a dime on this dating platform!

5. Is Bristlr working and can you find someone there?

Yes, Bristlr is working and it can be used to find someone. It’s a dating app that connects people with beards to those who love them. You can search for potential matches by location, age range, gender identity and more. The app also has an active community of users where you can chat about anything from facial hair styles to current events in the beard world. With its simple interface and easy-to-use features, Bristlr makes finding your perfect match fun and straightforward!


To conclude, Bristlr is a great dating app for people who are looking to find partners. It has an easy-to-use interface and provides users with the ability to search through profiles of potential matches in their area. The design and usability of the app are excellent, making it very user friendly. Safety and security features such as profile verification ensure that all members can feel safe when using the platform. Additionally, help & support services provide assistance whenever needed while user profile quality is high due to detailed information being provided by each member upon signing up on this site. All these factors make Bristlr one of the best apps available today for finding partners online!

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Author Steven Clark

Steven Clark is a relationship and dating expert who has been reviewing and writing about the latest dating sites and apps for the past 5 years. He has seen the online dating world evolve and grow, and he has helped thousands of singles find love and meaningful relationships through his reviews. Steven is passionate about providing honest and accurate reviews, so that singles can make informed decisions when it comes to choosing the right dating sites and apps for their needs. In his spare time, Steven enjoys reading, cooking, and spending time with his family.