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  • 1. Anonymity
  • 2. Supportive community
  • 3. Access to resources and information
  • 4. Non-judgmental atmosphere
  • 1. Limited access to certain features without a paid membership
  • 2. Difficulty in finding matches due to the niche nature of the site
  • 3. Potential for fake profiles or scammers
  • 4. Stigma associated with online dating


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PositiveSingles Review: Is It Worth The Time In 2023?


PositiveSingles is an online dating and support platform for people living with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). It was launched in 2001, making it one of the oldest STD-focused websites. Since then, PositiveSingles has grown to become a leading destination for those seeking companionship and understanding from like-minded individuals. The website now boasts over 1 million active users worldwide who are looking to connect with others facing similar challenges related to their health status.

The app’s target audience includes anyone diagnosed or affected by STDs such as HIV/AIDS, herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV2), HPV, chlamydia trachomatis infection (CTI) among many other infections caused by bacteria or viruses that can be passed through sexual contact between two persons including oral sex. With its mission being “to help people find love regardless of their condition” the app offers features designed specifically towards this goal such as a private messaging system allowing members to communicate anonymously; live chat rooms where users can share experiences; forums where they discuss topics relevant to them; blogs which allow them express themselves more freely than ever before without fear of judgment from society at large etcetera..

Positive Singles is owned by SuccessfulMatch Inc., based out of Canada but popular in five countries – United States , Australia , Canada , New Zealand & South Africa . Although registration on the site is free there are some premium services available only after payment which include access advanced search options ; ability send virtual gifts ; see if your emails were read or deleted plus much more . There’s also an Android version available so you don’t have worry about missing any messages while away from computer!

To register on Positive Singles all you need do fill up basic information form followed verification process – once done simply upload photo create profile start connecting potential matches right away !

How Does PositiveSingles Work?

PositiveSingles is an app designed to help people living with STDs find companionship and support. It provides a safe, secure platform for users to connect with others who are also affected by the same conditions. The key features of PositiveSingles include: profile creation, message boards, live chat rooms and blog posts; all of which provide members a way to interact in order to build relationships or just talk about their experiences. In addition, there are many other tools such as STD testing reminders and treatment stories that can be used on the site too.

Finding profiles on Positive Singles is easy – simply use the search function or browse through suggested matches based upon your criteria (age range/location). Once you’ve found someone interesting you can start messaging them directly from within the app itself – no need for external emails! There are over 1 million active users from around 5 countries including United States , Canada , Australia , New Zealand & Ireland . You will have plenty of choice when it comes finding potential partners near you!

The privacy settings allow each user complete control over how much information they share publicly so everyone feels comfortable using this service without worrying about personal data being shared inappropriately. Furthermore if two members decide they would like meet up then ‘date verification’ feature ensures both parties feel safe before arranging any face-to-face meetings outside of online environment provided by Positive Singles App .

In terms education materials available at PosiitveSingles helps its member better understand different aspects related living with STD condition while providing guidance throughout process dating another person affected similar situation . This makes sure every user has access necessary resources needed make informed decisions during entire experience website /app offers whether looking friendship relationship something more serious long term basis ..

Finally what sets apart positive singles form other apps services dedicated helping those suffering stds fact it encourages community atmosphere where individuals able reach out one another ask questions advice whenever required create supportive network filled understanding empathy towards those going through difficult times due medical issues associated std diagnosis thus making easier cope health issue manage life normalcy possible

  • 1.Private and anonymous messaging
  • 2. Live chat rooms for members to connect with each other
  • 3. Comprehensive privacy settings to protect your identity
  • 4. Advanced search filters that allow you to find potential matches quickly and easily
  • 5. Ability to upload up-to 26 photos on profile page
  • 6. Automated matching system based on member preferences

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the PositiveSingles app is a simple and straightforward process. First, users must provide their gender, age (the minimum required age to begin dating on the app is 18 years old), sexual orientation, email address and password. Then they will be asked to create an account by providing additional information such as body type, ethnicity/race and marital status. Once this step has been completed successfully they can start searching for potential matches or browse through profiles of other members in order to find compatible partners with similar interests. The registration process itself is free; however there are certain features that require payment in order access them fully or use them without limitations. After submitting all these details users will have full access to all available options within the application so that they can make connections with people who share common interests from around the world!

  • 1.Create a valid email address
  • 2. Provide accurate and complete personal information, including name, age, gender identity/sexual orientation
  • 3. Agree to the terms of service
  • 4. Choose a username and password that meets PositiveSingles’ security requirements
  • 5. Select an appropriate profile photo (if desired)
  • 6. Verify your account via email or SMS verification code
  • 7. Set up payment method for premium services if desired 8 . Read and agree to the privacy policy

Design and Usability of PositiveSingles

The PositiveSingles app has a bright and modern design, with colors that are pleasing to the eye. The layout is intuitive and easy to navigate, making it simple for users to find profiles of other people in their area. Usability-wise, the app runs smoothly and provides an enjoyable user experience; even those who aren’t tech savvy can easily use its features without any issues. With a paid subscription comes additional UI improvements such as enhanced search capabilities which make finding potential matches easier than ever before.

User Profile Quality

PositiveSingles profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone who is a member of the site. Users have the ability to customize their profile with photos, bio information, and more. There is also an option for users to add friends on PositiveSingles as well as join groups or forums related to topics that interest them. Privacy settings available on PositiveSingles allow members to control what other people see when they view their profile; however, location info cannot be hidden from other users due those features being necessary in order for potential matches within proximity of each other’s locations. Location info reveals city but not exact address so there’s no indication of distance between two members unless it’s specified in one’s custom bio section or discussed via messaging feature once matched up with another user through mutual interests listed in respective profiles.. Premium subscription offers benefits such as anonymous browsing which allows you access others’ accounts without leaving any trace behind plus unlimited messages sent/received regardless if person contacted has premium account status or not . Fake accounts are rare since verification process requires valid email address & photo ID submission before full membership approval granted .


PositiveSingles is a dating website that caters to people living with STDs. It has been around since 2001 and offers an online community for those who are looking for companionship, friendship, or even just someone to talk to about their condition. The site allows users to create profiles and search through other members’ profiles in order to find potential matches based on shared interests or similar conditions. One of the main advantages of PositiveSingles is its privacy policy; all information provided by members remains confidential unless they choose otherwise. Additionally, it provides access to resources such as STD-related news articles and medical advice from professionals in the field which can be beneficial when trying manage one’s health while also finding love or companionship elsewhere on the platform.

The difference between Positive Singles’ website version versus its app version lies mainly within convenience – using either one will provide you with essentially identical features but accessing them via mobile device may be more convenient due some devices being easier than others when navigating webpages/applications . In terms of functionality however both versions offer comprehensive options including chat rooms where users can communicate directly with each other without having first exchanged contact details like phone numbers etc., making it much safer than traditional dating sites where personal info must usually be disclosed upfront before any communication takes place at all..

At this time there is no official PositiveSingles Dating Website available yet though plans have been made publically indicating that development could begin soon enough depending upon user demand & feedback given thus far from existing customers & prospective ones alike so watch this space! As such currently only a mobile application exists instead allowing users greater flexibility whilst still providing them with many great features enabling connections regardless if whether they’re out socialising somewhere else away from home/workplace etc…

Safety & Security

PositiveSingles is a dating platform that puts the security of its users first. It has implemented several measures to ensure safety and privacy, such as verification methods for new accounts, fighting against bots and fake accounts with sophisticated algorithms, manual photo reviews by their staff members or AI technology (depending on the user’s country), two-factor authentication options available in some countries for extra protection when logging into an account from unknown devices. In addition to these features, PositiveSingles also offers a comprehensive Privacy Policy which outlines how they use personal data collected from users. This includes details about what information is collected during registration process; how it’s used internally; whether it can be shared with third parties; who has access to this data; how long it will be stored before being deleted or archived securely etc., all designed towards protecting customers’ rights and providing them peace of mind while using the service.

Pricing and Benefits

Is PositiveSingles Free or Does it Require a Paid Subscription?

PositiveSingles is an online dating platform specifically designed for people living with STDs. It offers its users the chance to connect and find love, support, friendship and understanding from other members of their community. The app is free to download but does require a paid subscription in order to access all features such as messaging other members, seeing who has viewed your profile and more advanced search options.

Benefits of Getting A Paid Subscription on Positive Singles:

  • See Who Viewed Your Profile $29/monthly or $59/3 months

  • Message Other Members $29/monthly or $59/3 months

  • Advanced Search Options $19 / monthly (or)$49 / 3 Months

  • Access To All Features FREE 7-day trial available

These prices are very competitive compared to similar apps offering the same services which makes it easy for those interested in getting full access without breaking the bank! Additionally there is also a 7 day free trial so you can try out all of these benefits before committing financially if desired.

Cancellation Process & Refunds: If at any time during your membership you decide that this service isn’t right for you then cancelling should be simple enough; just log into your account settings page where cancellation instructions will be provided along with information about refunds (if applicable). Generally speaking most subscriptions do not offer refunds unless cancelled within 48 hours after purchase however please check specific terms when signing up as they may vary depending on region etc.. Do Users Really Need A Paid Subscription On Positive Singles? Ultimately whether someone needs a paid subscription really depends on what they’re looking for; if basic functions like searching profiles are sufficient then no payment would be necessary whereas those wanting additional features like message others might benefit from paying extra fees associated with premium accounts.

Help & Support

PositiveSingles provides a variety of support options for its members. Firstly, the website has an extensive Help Center with detailed information about how to use the site and answers to commonly asked questions. The help center is divided into categories so users can quickly find what they need without having to search through all the content.

If further assistance is needed, PositiveSingles also offers customer service via email or phone call. Members can submit their inquiries directly on their profile page and receive a response within 24 hours from one of our friendly customer service representatives who are available 7 days per week during business hours (9am-5pm EST).

Finally, there’s an active community forum where members can ask questions and get advice from other PositiveSingles users in real time as well as post stories about living with STDs/STIs or just general life experiences that may be helpful for others going through similar situations. All posts are monitored by moderators ensuring that conversations remain respectful at all times while providing valuable insight into different topics related to dating someone with an STD/STI


1. Is PositiveSingles safe?

Yes, PositiveSingles is a safe and secure website for people living with STDs. The site takes measures to ensure the safety of its members by requiring all users to verify their identity through an email address or phone number before they can access any features on the platform. Additionally, all profiles are manually reviewed and approved by customer service representatives who make sure that no fake accounts exist on the website. Furthermore, PositiveSingles offers various security tools such as private albums where you can store your photos securely from other members; password protection so only you have access to your account; two-factor authentication which requires both a username/password combination plus another form of verification like entering in an SMS code sent directly to your mobile device; block list feature which allows you to prevent certain individuals from contacting or viewing your profile; and report abuse button if someone is harassing or threatening another user. All these features combined create a safe environment for those looking for companionship while managing their STD status at the same time

2. Is PositiveSingles a real dating site with real users?

Yes, PositiveSingles is a real dating site with real users. It was established in 2001 and has since grown to become one of the largest online dating sites for people living with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). The website offers an extensive range of features designed to help individuals find compatible partners who understand their condition and share similar interests. These include forums, blogs, chat rooms and even virtual events where members can meet up in person or virtually. Members also have access to medical information on STDs as well as STD-related news articles from around the world. With its large user base of over 1 million active members worldwide, PositiveSingles provides a safe environment for singles looking for love while managing their health conditions at the same time.

3. How to use PositiveSingles app?

Using the PositiveSingles app is a great way to meet other people with similar health conditions. The app provides an easy-to-use platform for users to connect and share their experiences, stories, advice and support. To get started using the PositiveSingles App, first download it from your device’s store (Apple or Android). Once you have downloaded it open up the application on your device. You will be asked to create an account which requires basic information such as name age etc., once this has been completed you can start exploring all of its features! The main feature of this app is connecting with others who are living with STDs like yourself so that they can provide mutual support in times when needed most. On top of that there are many additional features available including forums where members discuss topics related to STD awareness; blogs written by experts about various aspects related to sexual health; inspirational success stories shared by fellow members who have managed their condition well over time; dating tips & safety advice tailored towards those living positive lifestyles plus much more! All these tools make Positive Singles one powerful resource for anyone looking into managing their own diagnosis better while finding companionship along the way too – making sure no one ever feels alone again during tough times faced due challenges posed by having a sexually transmitted disease/infection (STD/STI).

4. Is PositiveSingles free?

PositiveSingles is a free dating website for people living with STDs. It provides an online community where members can share stories, get advice and support from other members, and find romance in a safe environment. The site offers features such as live chat rooms, private messaging systems, blogs and forums to help its users connect with one another. Members also have access to the latest news about STD treatments through PositiveSingles’ blog posts written by medical professionals or experienced individuals who are living with STDs themselves. With all these features available at no cost whatsoever, PositiveSingles makes it easy for anyone looking for companionship or love while managing their condition(s).

5. Is PositiveSingles working and can you find someone there?

Yes, PositiveSingles is working and it can be a great place to find someone. It has been around since 2001 and boasts of having over 1 million members worldwide. The website provides an online dating platform for people with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as herpes, HIV/AIDS, HPV etc., who are looking for companionship or even love. With its comprehensive features like live chat rooms, private messaging system and anonymous profile browsing options; users have the ability to connect with other STD singles in their area or from all across the globe safely and securely. Its strict privacy policy ensures that your personal information remains safe at all times while you search through profiles of potential matches based on age preference gender location interests hobbies etc.. In addition there are also helpful blog posts written by experts which provide useful advice about living life positively despite being diagnosed with an STD – something which many individuals struggle to do alone! So if you’re looking for someone special then PositiveSingles could be just what you need!


In conclusion, PositiveSingles is a great dating app for people with STDs. It has an easy-to-use design and offers excellent safety features such as anonymous browsing and verification of user profiles. The app also provides helpful customer support to help users find the right partner for them. In terms of usability, it’s quite intuitive but could use some improvements in certain areas like profile quality or search filters. Overall though, PositiveSingles is one of the best apps out there when it comes to finding partners who understand your condition and can provide you with companionship without judgment or stigma attached to it – making this a great choice if you’re looking for someone special in your life!

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Author Steven Clark

Steven Clark is a relationship and dating expert who has been reviewing and writing about the latest dating sites and apps for the past 5 years. He has seen the online dating world evolve and grow, and he has helped thousands of singles find love and meaningful relationships through his reviews. Steven is passionate about providing honest and accurate reviews, so that singles can make informed decisions when it comes to choosing the right dating sites and apps for their needs. In his spare time, Steven enjoys reading, cooking, and spending time with his family.