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Meetic Review: What You Need to Know


Meetic is a popular online dating app that connects singles from all over the world. It was launched in 2001 by Marc Simoncini, an entrepreneur who wanted to create a platform for people looking for love and companionship. Since then, Meetic has grown into one of the most successful dating apps on the market with millions of active users around the globe.

The main target audience of Meetic are single adults between 25-45 years old who are interested in finding potential partners or just making new friends through its user friendly interface and easy registration process. The app also caters to different sexual orientations such as straight, gay/lesbian or bisexuals so everyone can find what they’re looking for regardless their preferences or gender identity.

Meetic offers various features which make it stand out among other similar platforms like chatrooms where you can talk directly with your matches; detailed profile pages including photos and videos; search filters allowing you to narrow down your results according to age range, location etc.; compatibility tests helping you discover more about yourself while meeting interesting people at same time; virtual gifts that let users show appreciation towards each other’s profiles etc.. All these services come free but there is also premium membership option available if someone wants access even more exclusive content like live events organized by company itself where members have chance meet face-to-face instead using only internet connection .

Currently owned Match Group Inc., Meetic operates mainly across Europe being especially popular France , Spain , Italy Germany United Kingdom . App version available both Android iOS devices so anyone could use it anytime anywhere without having computer nearby them ; however website still remains primary way accessing service since many desktop computers do not support mobile applications yet . Registration process very simple – firstly fill some basic information (name email address ) after creating username password confirm account clicking link sent via email verification step complete sign up completed successfully ready start exploring possibilities offered this amazing application !

How Does Meetic Work?

Meetic is a dating app that has become increasingly popular in recent years. It allows users to create profiles, search for potential matches and communicate with other members of the platform. The key features of Meetic include its intuitive user interface, which makes it easy to navigate; its sophisticated matchmaking algorithm that helps you find compatible partners; and an extensive database containing millions of singles from all over the world. Additionally, there are different types of users on Meetic: straight people looking for serious relationships or casual dates; LGBTQ+ individuals seeking love or friendship; as well as those who simply want to chat online without any expectations attached.

Finding profiles on Meetic is simple – just use the ‘Search’ feature located at the top right corner of your screen and enter criteria such as age range, location (or distance) preference etc., then hit ‘Find Matches’ button below! You can also browse through member photos by clicking ‘Browse Photos’ tab under Search section if you prefer visual browsing experience instead! Furthermore, according to statistics released by company itself – approximately 5 million active monthly users come from five countries alone including France (3 million), Germany (1 million), UK & Ireland combined (500 thousand) , Spain & Italy combined(400 thousand).

Once you have found someone whose profile interests you – whether they look like a perfect match or not – take some time getting acquainted before making contact via messaging system provided within app’s dashboard . Also note that unlike many other apps out there where communication between two parties might be limited due sending messages back-and-forth only once every 24 hours – here at Meetiс both sides can reply whenever they feel like doing so thus providing more flexibility when it comes down talking/getting know eachother better prior meeting up in person eventually !

In addition to these core features mentioned above , what sets this particular application apart from others similar ones out there lies in fact how secure environment creators made sure their customers would enjoy while using product itself : firstly encryption technology used ensures data safety ; secondly moderating team constantly monitors activities going around service so no inappropriate content gets shared among community members . Last but not least customer support staff always ready answer questions related either technical aspects software usage / account management issues alike ensuring smooth running entire platform end user perspective point view !

Finally worth mentioning few extra options available specifically tailored towards premium subscribers paying small fee month order access them : one example being ability add additional filters search results page helping narrow down list possible candidates even further based upon specific preferences may have set previously regarding type partner ideal situation looks like . Another option possibility send gifts virtual form another way expressing interest show appreciation person receiving gift course recipient will receive notification about gesture too allowing start conversation easily afterwards should wish do so !!

  • 1.Profile Verification: Meetic provides a secure environment by verifying the identity of its members.
  • 2. Advanced Search Filters: Allows users to find potential matches based on their preferences and interests.
  • 3. Messaging System: Enables members to communicate with each other in real-time via private messages or public chat rooms
  • 4. Icebreakers & Flirtcasts™: Helps break the ice between two singles, allowing them to get acquainted faster and easier than ever before
  • 5 .Events & Activities : Offers an array of fun activities for like-minded people who are looking for someone special
  • 6 .Meetic Badge : A badge that verifies your profile as genuine which helps increase trust among fellow daters

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the Meetic app is a straightforward process. First, you will need to provide your email address and create a password. Then, you can fill out some basic information about yourself such as age, gender identity and location. After submitting this information, you will be asked to upload an image of yourself which must meet certain criteria in order for it to be accepted by the app’s moderators before being made available publicly on your profile page. Once all these steps are completed successfully then users can begin using the platform right away – browsing profiles or chatting with other members they find interesting online via text messages or video calls depending upon their preference . The minimum required age for dating through Meetic is 18 years old but registering itself does not require any payment so anyone above that age may join without having to pay anything upfront .

  • 1.User must provide a valid email address.
  • 2. User must create a unique username and password combination for their account.
  • 3. All users must be 18 years of age or older to register an account with Meetic
  • 4. Users are required to agree to the terms and conditions before registering an account with Meetic
  • 5 .Users should provide basic personal information such as name, gender, date of birth etc during registration process
  • 6 .User should upload profile picture while creating his/her profile on meetic platform 7 .Meetic requires user’s mobile number verification via OTP sent over SMS or call 8 .User has option to link social media accounts (Facebook, Google+, Twitter) while signing up

Design and Usability of Meetic

The Meetic app has a modern and sleek design, with colors that are easy on the eyes. The user interface is intuitive and straightforward to navigate, making it simple for users to find profiles of other people. It’s also very easy to use; all you need is an email address or Facebook account in order to get started. With its powerful search filters, finding someone who matches your interests can be done quickly and easily. As far as usability goes, the app runs smoothly without any glitches or lag time when scrolling through profiles or messaging potential dates. For those looking for additional features such as unlimited messaging options upon purchasing a paid subscription will have access UI improvements that make navigating even easier than before!

User Profile Quality

Meetic is a popular online dating platform that allows users to create profiles and search for potential matches. The quality of user profiles on Meetic varies, but generally they are quite detailed with many options available for customizing your profile. All user profiles are public, so anyone can view them without having to be logged in or have an account. You can set a custom bio as well as upload photos and videos which helps other users get to know you better before messaging you. There isn’t currently any “friends” feature like some other platforms offer, however there is the ability to add people who interest you into favorites lists if desired.

Privacy settings vary from person-to-person depending on what level of privacy each individual desires; however all accounts require email verification upon sign up so fake accounts aren’t able too easily join the site undetected by moderators or admins – this also applies when signing in via Google/Facebook credentials should someone choose those methods instead of creating their own unique username & password combination during registration process.. Location info within one’s profile typically includes city name only unless premium subscription has been purchased then more specific information may become visible such as exact street address etc., though it does not indicate distance between two different members (i.e.: how far away they live). Premium subscribers do benefit from additional features such as being able access advanced filters when searching through potential matches plus higher visibility amongst others using same service due increased priority listing over non-premium memberships holders etc..


Meetic is a popular online dating website that allows users to find potential partners. It offers many features such as the ability to search for singles, create an account and browse profiles of other members. The site also has advanced matchmaking algorithms which allow users to narrow down their searches according to specific criteria like age, location or interests. Additionally, Meetic provides safety tips on how its members can stay safe while using the service and it even verifies all new accounts before they are activated in order for people who use this platform not be exposed by scammers or fake profiles.

The main advantages of Meetic include its user-friendly interface which makes navigation easy; the variety of options available when searching for matches; free registration process with no subscription fees required; secure messaging system between members so conversations remain private and lastly customer support provided 24/7 should any issue arise during usage of this service . On the downside however there have been reports about some technical issues experienced by certain customers regarding profile activation processes as well as difficulties encountered when trying out different functions offered within this platform .

At present time there is no official dating website associated with Meetic but instead only a mobile application that can be downloaded from both App Store (iOS) & Google Play (Android). This app includes most if not all features found on desktop version plus additional ones such as push notifications alerting you whenever someone sends you message ,the possibility view your activity log at anytime , upload up 10 photos per profile etc.. All these extra perks make it easier than ever before connecting with others without having access computer device thus making sure everyone gets chance meet special someone regardless where they might currently located geographically speaking

Safety & Security

Meetic is committed to providing its users with a secure online dating experience. To ensure the safety of all members, Meetic has implemented several security measures such as verifying user accounts and fighting against bots and fake accounts. All new members must verify their identity by submitting valid identification documents before they can access any features on the app or website. Additionally, photos are manually reviewed by moderators for authenticity in order to protect users from scams or inappropriate content being posted on the platform. Furthermore, two-factor authentication (2FA) is available for added protection when logging into an account which requires both a password and additional verification code sent via text message or email upon login attempt.

When it comes to privacy policy at Meetic, personal data collected during registration process will only be used internally within company’s own services so that customers have best possible experience while using our products/services; customer’s information will never be shared with third parties without prior consent unless required by law enforcement agencies due to legal reasons etc.. In addition we take appropriate technical & organizational steps in order make sure your data remains safe & secure under GDPR regulations as well other applicable laws related protecting private information

Pricing and Benefits

Meetic is a dating app that has both free and paid subscription options. It offers users the chance to meet new people, make friends, or find love online.

The basic version of Meetic is completely free; however, it does not offer all the features available with a premium membership. The main benefit of getting a paid subscription on Meetic is access to additional features such as unlimited messaging and more advanced search filters for finding potential matches. Additionally, subscribers can take advantage of discounts on special events hosted by Meetic throughout the year. • Basic: Free • Premium: $19/month (1 month) / $14/month (3 months) /$12/month (6 months). • Premium Plus: $24/Month(1 Month)/$20/Month(3 Months)/$17//Month(6 Months).

The prices are competitive compared to other popular dating apps in this market segment like Tinder Gold which costs around 25 dollars per month depending on your age group . Moreover , if you decide at any point during your subscription period that you don’t want to continue using Meetric anymore then cancelling process should be easy enough – just go into settings and cancel before next billing cycle begins . Refunds may also be available under certain circumstances but these will depend upon individual cases so it would best advised contact customer service team directly for further details about refunds policy .

Overall , whether or not someone needs a paid subscription depends entirely upon their own personal preferences when looking for romantic partners online – some might prefer extra security provided by having an upgraded account while others could get away with using only basic version without paying anything extra

Help & Support

Meetic is a popular online dating platform that offers users the opportunity to meet potential partners. Accessing support on Meetic can be done in several ways, depending on your needs and preferences.

The first way you can access support is through their website page dedicated to customer service inquiries. This page provides information about how you can contact them via email or phone for any questions or issues related to using the site, as well as links to frequently asked questions and other resources that may help with common problems. The response time from this method of contact varies but typically they respond within 24 hours during business days (Monday-Friday).

Another option available for accessing support on Meetic is by searching their FAQs section which contains answers to commonly asked questions regarding account setup, payment options, technical issues etc.. You will also find useful tips here such as setting up an attractive profile picture and writing engaging messages when communicating with other members of the community. This resource allows customers who are experiencing difficulties quickly get solutions without having wait for assistance from customer service representatives directly – saving valuable time!

Finally if neither of these methods provide satisfactory results then there’s always one last resort: contacting customer service directly via telephone where experienced professionals are ready take care all kinds queries around clock 7 days week – ensuring speedy resolution whatever issue might have arisen while using platform! Response times vary however usually quite fast most cases taking less than hour resolve problem satisfactorily allowing continue enjoying experience has offer hassle free manner!


1. Is Meetic safe?

Meetic is a safe and secure online dating platform. The company has implemented several measures to ensure that its users have the best possible experience when using their service. Meetic uses an advanced encryption system, which ensures that all of your personal information remains confidential and secure at all times. Additionally, they employ sophisticated fraud detection systems to protect against any potential fraudulent activity on the site. Furthermore, Meetic offers detailed safety tips for members who are interested in meeting someone offline or engaging in other activities related to online dating such as exchanging contact details with another member or arranging dates outside of the website’s virtual environment. Finally, if you ever feel uncomfortable while interacting with another user on Meetic then you can easily block them from contacting you again by clicking “Block User” located under their profile picture within each message thread between yourself and them

2. Is Meetic a real dating site with real users?

Yes, Meetic is a real dating site with real users. It has been around since 2001 and it currently operates in 25 countries across Europe, North America, South America and Asia Pacific. The website offers an easy-to-use platform for singles to find potential matches through their advanced search features such as age range, location or interests. They also have chat rooms where members can interact with each other before deciding if they want to meet up in person. Additionally, the website provides safety tips on how to protect yourself when meeting someone new online so that you can be sure of your security while using the service.

3. How to use Meetic app?

Using the Meetic app is a great way to meet new people and start conversations. The first step is to create an account, which requires some basic information such as your name, age, gender and location. Once you have registered with Meetic, you can begin searching for potential matches in your area or around the world. You can use various filters like age range or interests when looking for someone who meets your criteria. When you find someone that catches your eye simply send them a message using the built-in messaging system on the app – it’s easy! If they respond positively then why not arrange to meet up? With so many users from all over there are plenty of opportunities out there waiting for you – just take advantage of them!

4. Is Meetic free?

Meetic is not a free service. It does offer some basic features for free, such as creating a profile and searching through other users’ profiles. However, to access more advanced features like messaging and seeing who has viewed your profile you will need to upgrade to one of their paid subscription plans. The prices vary depending on the length of time that you sign up for but they range from €19 per month all the way up to €99 per month if you opt for an annual plan. Meetic also offers discounts throughout the year so it pays off keeping an eye out in case there are any special deals available when signing up!

5. Is Meetic working and can you find someone there?

Yes, Meetic is working and it can be a great way to find someone. The platform offers many different ways for users to connect with each other, including through its messaging system, search tools and events. With so many options available on the site, you are sure to find someone who meets your criteria or interests. You can also use the chat feature if you prefer more direct communication with potential matches before deciding whether or not they are right for you. Additionally, there are various features such as quizzes that allow members of the community to get an idea of what kind of person their match might be like in real life before committing themselves further into a relationship together


Meetic is a great dating app for those looking to find partners. Its design and usability are user-friendly, making it easy to navigate the platform. The safety and security of users’ data is also taken seriously with strong encryption protocols in place as well as an efficient customer service team ready to help out when needed. Additionally, Meetic has a high quality profile selection that makes finding potential matches easier than ever before.

Overall, Meetic provides its users with all they need for successful online dating experiences: ease of use, reliable security measures and an extensive database of profiles from which you can choose your perfect match! It’s no wonder why this popular app continues to be one of the most used services on the market today – highly recommended!

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Author Heather Allen

Heather Allen is an acclaimed writer and speaker, specializing in love and relationships. She has a deep understanding of relationships and intimacy, and she’s committed to helping people understand how to build better connections. Her writing has been featured in publications such as The Huffington Post, Refinery29, and The Washington Post. Heather has a degree in psychology and has been studying the science of relationships for more than 10 years. She is passionate about helping people build more meaningful and fulfilling relationships. In her spare time, Heather loves to travel and explore new cultures, and she's a voracious reader.