HER Dating App
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  • Safety-focused
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  • Flexible search options
  • Matching algorithm
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  • Limited User Base
  • Geographical Restrictions


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HER Dating App: An In-Depth Look at the Popular Dating Platform


HER Dating App is a revolutionary social networking app that was created to provide the lesbian, bisexual and queer community with an inclusive space for dating. It has quickly become one of the most popular apps among LGBTQ+ people around the world since its launch in 2013. The HER Dating App platform offers users access to a wide range of features such as private messaging, photo sharing, profile creation and event planning tools – all designed specifically for this demographic group.

The user base on HER Dating App is currently estimated at over 4 million active members from more than 180 countries worldwide – making it one of the largest online communities dedicated exclusively to LGBT individuals looking for meaningful connections or casual dates. The app’s owners are Robyn Exton (CEO) and her team based in London who have been instrumental in building up this safe haven where like-minded people can come together without fear or judgement from others outside their circle . In addition to being available across multiple platforms including iOS/Android devices; Windows 10 Mobile; Apple Watch & TVOS; Amazon FireTV Stick & AndroidTV ,the HerDatingApp also boasts strong popularity amongst millennials within 5 key markets: United States ; Canada ; UK ; Australia & New Zealand .

This free-to-use mobile application allows registered users easy access via either downloading directly through Google Play Store / iTunes store OR by simply logging into wwwHerDatingAppcom website using any web browser installed on your device(s). To register you will need create an account by providing basic information about yourself such as name , age , email address etc which helps them match you better with other potential partners while ensuring complete privacy during registration process itself!

How Does HER Dating App Work?

HER Dating App is a revolutionary dating platform that has revolutionized the way people find love and connection. It provides users with an easy-to-use interface to search for potential matches, as well as features such as group chats, private messaging, and profile customization. With HER Dating App you can easily browse through thousands of profiles from all over the world – whether it’s someone in your city or across continents! The app also allows users to filter their searches by gender identity (including transgender), age range, location preferences and interests so they can quickly narrow down who they want to meet.

The app offers two types of user accounts: free membership which includes basic features like creating a profile; viewing other members’ profiles; sending messages; joining groups/events etc., while premium membership unlocks additional options like seeing who liked your photo/profile before anyone else does & unlimited swipes on potential matches each day. Additionally there are no restrictions when it comes to how many countries one may be able select from – currently more than 5 million people use this service worldwide! This makes HER perfect for those looking for global connections without any geographical boundaries getting in their way!

Users have access not only traditional searching methods but also advanced filters including relationship status preference(single / married) sexual orientation , religion , ethnicity .This helps them get better results based on what kind of person they are seeking out .Moreover if someone is interested in meeting up with locals near them then ‘Discover Nearby’ feature would help immensely since it shows nearby events happening around where singles could potentially mingle !

In addition ,HER provides its own unique community space called “Feed” where users post stories about themselves or ask questions related topics relevant LGBTQ+ issues thus providing safe place socialize interactively amongst peers .It even gives option comment respond these posts helping build relationships between individuals similar backgrounds experiences making easier connect others having same struggles understanding shared perspectives life situations general discussions taking place within Feed make great icebreakers conversations leading further engagement beyond initial interactions too !

Finally HER goes extra mile offering personalized advice tips blog articles covering wide array topics ranging self care safety etiquette first date ideas even career guidance helpful tools available ensure everyone using gets most out experience possible ensuring success journey finding true love connection desired end result every single time visit site log into account look forward exciting new possibilities await every single time open door explore wonderful world awaits us behind login page let adventure begin today see just far take us tomorrow!.

  • 1.Matchmaking algorithm that uses data from user profiles to suggest potential matches.
  • 2. Ability to customize search criteria and preferences for more accurate match suggestions.
  • 3. Instant messaging feature for easy communication between users who have matched with each other
  • 4. Push notifications when a new match is made or someone sends you a message
  • 5. In-app icebreaker questions to help start conversations with potential matches
  • 6 .Insightful dating advice articles written by experts in the field of relationships

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the HER Dating App is a simple process. First, users will need to download the app and create an account by providing their email address or phone number as well as creating a username and password. They then have to provide some basic information such as gender identity, age (the minimum required age for dating on this app is 18), sexual orientation, location etc., before submitting it all with one click of ‘Create Account’ button. After that they can start using the platform right away – browsing through profiles of other members in their area or further away if desired; messaging them directly from within the app; attending events hosted by HER community members around town – all free of charge!

  • 1.User must be at least 18 years old.
  • 2. User must provide a valid email address and phone number for verification purposes.
  • 3. Users are required to create an account with their name, age, gender, location and other relevant information in order to use the app’s features such as messaging or searching for potential matches nearby them
  • 4. Users should agree to HER Dating App’s Terms of Service before being able to access any of its features
  • 5 .Users will need to upload a profile picture that meets the app’s guidelines (no nudity)
  • 6 .User is responsible for maintaining his/her privacy settings on HER Dating App by adjusting who can view certain parts of their profile 7 .Users may opt-in or out from receiving notifications about new messages or updates from HER dating app 8 .All users have agreed not share personal data with anyone outside the platform

Design and Usability of HER Dating App

The HER Dating App has a modern design with vibrant colors that make it visually appealing. The app is easy to navigate and profiles of other users can be found quickly by using the search bar or swiping through suggested matches. Usability wise, the app functions well and provides helpful tips when first signing up for an account. For those who purchase a paid subscription there are some UI improvements such as access to additional filters which makes finding potential partners easier than ever before.

User Profile Quality

HER Dating App offers users a variety of profile quality options. All profiles are public, meaning anyone can view them and they do not require any sign-in or authentication process to access. Users have the ability to set their own custom bio as well as add photos and videos in order to better showcase themselves on the app. There is also a “friends” feature which allows you connect with other HER members who share similar interests or experiences. Privacy settings available for user accounts include being able to hide your location info from others if desired; however, it does reveal what city you live in without providing exact coordinates so there is still some indication of distance between users even when this setting is enabled. Additionally, all accounts must be verified by email before becoming active on the platform so that fake accounts are kept at bay and real people remain connected through HER dating app only . Premium subscription benefits include increased visibility within search results due higher ranking status for those subscribed profiles compared with non-subscribed ones


At the time, HER Dating App does not have a dating website. This is likely due to the fact that most of its users are already familiar with using mobile apps and prefer this method for finding dates. The app has been designed specifically to provide an easy-to-use platform on which people can connect quickly and conveniently while they’re out and about or at home. Additionally, it provides access to more potential matches than a traditional online dating site would be able to offer because it searches through profiles from other social media platforms such as Facebook in order find compatible partners for users.

The main advantage of using HER Dating App over any other type of online dating service is its convenience; you don’t need a computer or laptop – all you need is your smartphone! You also get notifications when someone likes your profile so there’s no waiting around wondering if anyone will respond – plus, there’s always something new happening within the app since updates come regularly. However one disadvantage could be that some features may require payment before being used but overall these fees are minimal compared with what many websites charge for their services nowadays anyway!

Safety & Security

HER Dating App is committed to providing a secure and safe experience for its users. To ensure the security of their members, HER Dating App has implemented several measures such as user verification methods, fighting against bots and fake accounts, manual photo review process etc.

To verify new users joining the app, HER requires them to provide an email address or phone number which will be used for authentication purposes. The team at HER also uses AI-based technology that can detect suspicious activities like creating multiple accounts from one device or sending spam messages on behalf of other people’s profiles in order to fight against bots and fake accounts trying to infiltrate the platform. Photos are manually reviewed by moderators before they appear on public profiles so that only genuine photos get approved while any inappropriate images are blocked immediately from appearing online . Furthermore , two-factor authentication (2FA) option is available within settings menu where users can enable it if they want extra layer of protection over their account information .

In terms of privacy policy , all personal data collected through registration forms is kept confidential with appropriate safeguards applied in accordance with GDPR regulations & local laws governing data collection & storage processes . Users have full control over who sees what content shared via profile page & even when sharing private conversations outside app environment those communications remain encrypted ensuring maximum level safety throughout entire system infrastructure maintained by Her dating app developers

Pricing and Benefits

HER Dating App is a free app that can be downloaded from the Apple Store or Google Play. It offers users access to an extensive database of potential matches, as well as features such as chat rooms and message boards.

However, HER also has a paid subscription option called "Premium". This provides additional benefits such as unlimited swipes per day, advanced search filters and priority customer support. The cost for Premium membership is $9.99/month with discounts available if you choose to pay annually ($59). Compared to other dating apps this price point is competitively priced and gives users more control over their online dating experience than most free services offer.

In terms of cancellation process it’s quite straightforward; simply go into your account settings on the app itself or through iTunes / Google Play store depending on which platform you’re using (iOS vs Android) and cancel your subscription there – no need for any further action! Refunds are offered in certain circumstances but these will depend upon individual cases so please contact customer service directly if needed before cancelling should you require clarification about refunds policies etc..

Overall HER Dating App does provide value even without opting for the premium version however those looking for extra features may find that paying a small fee each month could be worth it given all they get in return – especially when compared against competitors prices too!

Help & Support

HER Dating App is an online platform that provides a safe and secure space for lesbian, bisexual, queer and trans people to connect. It offers various features such as private messaging, events listings and community forums. As with any online service provider it’s important to have access to support when needed.

The HER Dating App website has a dedicated ‘Help Center’ page which contains answers to commonly asked questions about the app itself or its services. This can be accessed from the bottom of every page on their site by clicking on ‘Support’. The Help Center also includes contact information if you need more specific assistance; this could include emailing customer care directly or calling them via phone (available Monday-Friday 9am-5pm EST).

In terms of response time for inquiries sent through either channel there isn’t an exact timeframe given but typically customers should expect replies within 24 hours depending on how busy they are at any particular moment in time. Additionally users may find helpful tips shared by other members in their own experiences posted across social media platforms like Twitter & Instagram so checking those out might provide some quick solutions too!


1. Is HER Dating App safe?

Yes, HER Dating App is safe. The app has a range of safety features in place to protect its users from potential harm or abuse. For example, the app requires all members to verify their identity with a valid email address and photo ID before they can start using the service. Additionally, it offers an anonymous messaging system that allows users to chat without revealing any personal information about themselves until they are ready to do so. Furthermore, HER Dating App provides resources for LGBTQ+ people who may be experiencing discrimination or harassment on other dating apps such as reporting tools and 24/7 support staff available via phone or online chat should any issues arise while using the platform. All these measures make sure that everyone who uses this dating app remains safe at all times when connecting with new people online

2. Is HER Dating App a real dating site with real users?

Yes, HER Dating App is a real dating site with real users. It has been around since 2013 and continues to be one of the most popular lesbian dating apps available today. The app provides an inclusive environment for queer women, non-binary people, and those who identify as LGBTQ+. With over 4 million members worldwide it’s easy to find someone in your area or even across the globe that you can connect with on a deeper level. The app also offers plenty of features such as group chats where you can meet other like minded individuals, private messaging so you don’t have to worry about anyone else seeing what’s going on between two people, event listings so you know when there are events near by that might interest you or your friends; plus much more!

3. How to use HER Dating App app?

HER Dating App is a great way to meet like-minded people and find someone special. The app allows users to create their own profile, search for potential matches based on interests or location, chat with other members in real time, and even join local events hosted by the HER community. To get started using the app, first download it from your device’s app store and then register an account with basic information such as name, age range preference etc. Once you have created your profile you can start searching for compatible partners through various filters such as gender identity or sexual orientation. You can also browse profiles of nearby singles who share similar interests so that you can connect more easily when chatting online or meeting up in person at one of the many social events organized by HER’s team around major cities worldwide! With its easy navigation system and intuitive user interface this dating platform makes finding love easier than ever before!

4. Is HER Dating App free?

Yes, HER Dating App is free to download and use. The app provides a safe space for lesbian, bisexual, queer women to connect with one another in an inclusive environment. With the ability to search through profiles based on location or interests and send messages directly from the app itself, users can easily find potential matches that fit their lifestyle. Additionally, HER offers additional features such as events listings which provide opportunities for members of the LGBTQ+ community to meet up offline in person at various locations around the world. All these features are available without any cost associated with them making it easy for anyone looking for love within this particular demographic group access all of its resources without having worry about fees or other charges associated with using dating apps today!

5. Is HER Dating App working and can you find someone there?

Yes, HER Dating App is working and you can find someone there. The app has a large user base with over 4 million members worldwide. It caters to the LGBTQ+ community and offers an inclusive dating experience for all genders and sexual orientations. You can use the search filters to narrow down your options or browse through profiles of other users who have similar interests as you do. With its advanced matching algorithm, it makes sure that each match is compatible with one another so that conversations are meaningful from start to finish!


In conclusion, HER Dating App is a great choice for those looking to find partners for dating. Its design and usability are excellent; the app is easy to navigate and use with its intuitive interface. Safety and security features provide users peace of mind while they explore their options on the platform. The help & support team provides quick response times in case any issues arise during usage or when questions need answering about how best to utilize the service provided by HER Dating App. Lastly, user profile quality can be improved as there are some profiles that lack detail which could make it difficult for people who want more information before deciding whether someone might be a good match or not. All-in-all though, this app does offer an enjoyable experience overall with plenty of potential matches available from around the world!

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Author Patricia Jackson

Patricia Jackson is a passionate and experienced writer who specializes in reviews on love, sex, and online dating. She has been writing professionally for over five years, and has a deep understanding of the complexities of relationships and how they manifest online. Patricia is an expert at understanding the nuances of online dating, and she has a keen eye for the pros and cons of various platforms. Her reviews are often funny, informative, and always thought-provoking. She is an avid reader and loves to travel and explore new cultures. When she isn't writing, Patricia loves to cook, explore new recipes, and spend time with her family and friends.