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  • 1. Large user base
  • 2. Easy to use interface
  • 3. Niche focus on rural lifestyles and values
  • 4. Free membership options
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  • Limited geographic reach
  • Costly membership fees
  • No mobile app


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FarmersOnly: Reviewing the Popular Online Dating Platform


FarmersOnly is an online dating platform designed to help single farmers, ranchers, and other rural dwellers find love. Founded in 2005 by Jerry Miller, the FarmersOnly app has become one of the most popular niche-dating sites on the web. With over 8 million active users worldwide and a mission to bring people together who share similar values or lifestyles, it’s no wonder why this platform has gained such traction among its target audience.

So who can you find on this app? The site primarily caters towards those living in rural areas with agricultural backgrounds; however anyone looking for someone special outside of their city limits may also benefit from using FarmersOnly as well! Whether you’re searching for a long-term relationship or just want some company while tending your fields – there are plenty of potential matches available here.

As far as numbers go – according to Forbes Magazine (2020), Farmers Only currently boasts more than 8 million active members across five countries: United States Canada Mexico Ireland New Zealand This makes them one of largest players within their respective market segment – which isn’t too shabby considering they only launched back in 2005!

Is Farmer’s Only free? Yes! You don’t have pay anything upfront when signing up nor do any additional fees apply once registered either; making it quite cost effective compared many other services out there today that charge monthly subscription rates etc.. In addition if access via mobile device is preferred then rest assured that both Android & iOS versions exist so finding compatible devices should not be problem at all times either way around 🙂

So how does registering work exactly? Well first off new visitors will need create account before being able start browsing through profiles/matches otherwise known ‘free search’. After completing basic information like name age gender etc., user must complete verification process order gain full access website features such messaging sending virtual gifts eCards even setting date ideas meetups nearby locations near future plans come fruition accordingly…

How Does FarmersOnly Work?

FarmersOnly is an online dating app designed to connect rural singles looking for love. It has a user base of over 8 million users, with the majority being from the United States and Canada. The app allows you to create your own profile where you can add photos, write about yourself and what type of relationship you are seeking. You can also search through other profiles using various filters such as age range or location in order to find potential matches that meet your criteria. Additionally, FarmersOnly offers chat rooms so that members can get acquainted before deciding if they want to take things further by meeting up in person or exchanging contact information offline.

The main feature on FarmersOnly is its ability for users to filter their searches based on specific interests related specifically towards farmers and those living in rural areas who share similar lifestyles and values when it comes down finding someone special who understands them better than anyone else could ever do outside this community setting . This includes activities like hunting , fishing , farming , ranching etc., which makes it easier for people within these categories find each other without having any difficulty whatsoever . In addition there are many countries around the world represented here including US (5 Million), Canada (2 Million) UK(1Million) Australia & New Zealand combined(0..8million).

Apart from searching through profiles according Farmersonly’s advanced algorithm provides additional features like ‘Mutual Match’ – allowing two individuals mutually interested one another will be notified automatically; ‘Meet Me’ – A quick way of knowing whether someone likes back after viewing his/her profile; ‘Reverse Match’- helps discover others whose preferences match yours perfectly ;and last but not least ‘Connections’– To keep track all conversations had between members across different platforms either messaging system provided by Farmer Only itself or social media networks integrated into application directly via API calls thus providing seamless experience throughout entire platform usage period regardless how much time passed since initial connection was made till now!

In terms of safety measures taken by Farmeronly team make sure no fake accounts exist inside network at any given point time due rigorous verification process implemented during registration phase plus ongoing monitoring afterwards ensure only real persons have access site contents under strictest conditions possible while keeping everything secure private data protected against malicious third parties attempting gain unauthorized access same resources violating Terms Of Service Agreement signed every new member joining service first place !

  • 1.Free to join and create a profile
  • 2. Ability to search for potential matches by location, age, interests, etc.
  • 3. Private messaging system
  • 4. Photo uploads and video introductions
  • 5. Live chat feature with other members in real time
  • 6. Online forums where users can connect with others who share similar interests

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the FarmersOnly app is a straightforward process. First, you will need to provide your basic information such as name, age and location. You can also upload photos of yourself so that other users can get an idea about who you are before they start chatting with you. After submitting this information, the next step is to create a profile by filling out details like interests and hobbies in order for potential matches to learn more about what kind of person you are looking for or what type of relationship suits best for both parties involved. Finally, after completing all these steps successfully one needs only verify their account via email address provided during registration process which completes the sign-up procedure . The minimum required age to begin dating on FarmersOnly app is 18 years old and it’s free register on this platform however there might be some charges applicable when using certain features within its interface

  • 1.Must be 18 years of age or older.
  • 2. Provide a valid email address and create a unique password for the account.
  • 3. Complete profile with accurate information about yourself, including your interests, hobbies, lifestyle preferences etc..
  • 4. Upload at least one photo to your profile page that clearly shows your face (no sunglasses).
  • 5. Agree to terms & conditions and privacy policy before submitting registration form/application process is complete .
  • 6. Acceptance of all applicable laws related to online dating services in the region where you reside or access FarmersOnly from . 7 8 Verify mobile phone number by entering code sent via text message during sign-up process

Design and Usability of FarmersOnly

The FarmersOnly app has a modern design with bright colors and bold fonts. The profile pictures are displayed prominently, making it easy to find profiles of other people. Usability is also great; the navigation bar at the bottom makes it simple to move between different sections of the app quickly and easily. Purchasing a paid subscription does not bring any UI improvements, but you do get access to additional features such as unlimited messaging or seeing who’s viewed your profile recently.

User Profile Quality

User profile quality on FarmersOnly is quite good. All profiles are public and can be viewed by any user of the site, regardless if they have a subscription or not. Users can set up their own custom bio with information about themselves as well as upload photos to further customize their profile page. There isn’t a “friends” feature but there is an option for users to send messages directly to each other which allows them some level of interaction beyond just viewing profiles publicly.

Privacy settings available on FarmersOnly include the ability for users to hide certain parts of their location info such as city name, state/province etc., however it does still reveal what country you’re from and how far away another user may be located in miles or kilometers depending on your preference setting. Additionally, there isn’t currently a Google or Facebook sign-in feature so all accounts must be created manually using email address verification before access is granted into the system; this helps reduce fake account creation significantly compared with sites that offer social media logins instead .

Premium subscriptions do provide additional benefits when it comes to creating higher quality profiles including more options for customization such as adding videos and larger photo albums along with being able view who has visited your profile recently plus many other features designed specifically around increasing visibility within search results pages making premium members stand out even more than regular ones without having one..


FarmersOnly is a dating website that specializes in connecting people who live and work on farms. It was founded in 2005 with the goal of helping farmers find meaningful relationships, and it has since become one of the most popular online dating sites for rural singles. The site offers several features to help users connect, including an extensive profile system where members can list their interests, hobbies, favorite activities and more; a searchable database so users can easily locate potential matches based on location or other criteria; as well as messaging tools to facilitate communication between members.

The FarmersOnly app provides similar functionality but with added convenience due to its mobile-friendly design which allows you access your account from anywhere at any time. Additionally, the app includes push notifications when someone sends you a message or views your profile – making it easier than ever before to stay connected while out working in the fields! While both versions offer advantages over traditional online dating services such as increased privacy settings and tailored matchmaking algorithms – ultimately they serve different purposes depending upon user preference: some may prefer using an application while others might enjoy browsing through profiles via desktop computer instead.

At this time there is no dedicated FarmersOnly website available however there are plans underway by company executives that could potentially lead towards creating one within near future if successful development occurs without issues arising during process . Reasons why currently doesn’t exist include lack resources needed for project , difficulty finding suitable developers willing commit long term hours into building platform , along many other factors preventing progress being made . With hope though these obstacles will be overcome soon enough allowing individuals seeking companionship take advantage what would surely prove be beneficial service provided by organization

Safety & Security

FarmersOnly is committed to providing its users with a secure and safe environment. To ensure that only genuine people are using the app, they have implemented several security measures such as email verification, photo verification and two-factor authentication. Email addresses must be verified before any account can be activated on FarmersOnly. Additionally, all profile photos are manually reviewed by their team of moderators to make sure no fake accounts or bots slip through the cracks. The two-factor authentication feature requires users to enter an additional code sent via SMS when logging in from a new device for added protection against hackers trying to gain access into user’s accounts without permission.

The privacy policy of FarmersOnly states that it will not share personal information about its members with third parties unless required by law enforcement authorities or if necessary for fraud prevention purposes; additionally, data collected during registration process will never be shared outside the company’s own internal operations except under strict confidentiality agreements between them and other companies involved in running services on behalf of Farmers Only (such as payment processing).

Pricing and Benefits

Is a Paid Subscription on FarmersOnly Necessary?

FarmersOnly is an online dating app specifically designed for rural singles. The basic version of the app is free, but users can upgrade to get access to additional features and benefits. This begs the question: do users really need a paid subscription on FarmersOnly?

The answer depends largely upon what type of user experience you are looking for from this particular platform. For those who simply want to explore their options without investing too much money or time into it, then the free version may be sufficient enough in providing them with all they need from an online dating service. However, if someone wants more out of their experience – such as advanced search filters and messaging capabilities – then upgrading might be worth considering since these features come at no extra cost with a premium membership plan (see below).

Benefits Of A Premium Membership Plan

  • Access To Advanced Search Filters & Messaging Capabilities – No Ads On Platform – Priority Customer Support – Special Offers And Discounts – Ability To See Who Has Viewed Your Profile

Prices vary depending on how long your subscription period will last; however, most plans range between $14-$30 per month which makes them quite competitive compared to other similar services available today! Additionally, there are also discounts offered periodically throughout the year so keep an eye out for those when deciding whether or not getting a paid subscription would make sense financially speaking.

Lastly, cancellation process is straightforward and refunds are issued within 48 hours after canceling one’s account should that become necessary down the line due to any unforeseen circumstances that arise during use of this platform’s services over time

Help & Support

FarmersOnly is a popular online dating site for farmers and rural singles. It offers various features to help its members find their perfect match, but it also provides support services in case users have any issues or queries related to the website.

The first way you can access support on FarmersOnly is by using the Help page located at the bottom of every page on their website. This contains frequently asked questions (FAQs) that are divided into categories so that users can quickly locate answers without having to contact customer service directly. Additionally, there’s an option where you can submit your query via email if none of these FAQs answer your question adequately enough; however, response times may vary depending on how busy they are with other requests as well as what time zone you live in relative to them (they operate from US Eastern Time).

Finally, FarmersOnly also has a toll-free phone number which customers can call during normal business hours should they need assistance with something more urgent than an email request could provide – this would be ideal for those who prefer speaking directly over typing out emails when seeking help from customer service representatives! The general response time for calls tends to be quite quick since operators prioritize such inquiries over emails due simply because people expect faster responses when calling rather than sending messages through digital channels like web forms or emails.


1. Is FarmersOnly safe?

FarmersOnly is a safe online dating platform that takes security and safety seriously. The website utilizes various technologies to ensure the protection of its members’ personal information, including encryption technology for data storage and transmission. Additionally, FarmersOnly has strict policies in place regarding profile verification and account suspension or deletion if any suspicious activity is detected. Furthermore, all communication between users on the site must be respectful; otherwise it will result in an immediate ban from the service. All profiles are monitored by staff members who take appropriate action when necessary to protect other users from harm or harassment. Finally, FarmersOnly also provides helpful advice about how to stay safe while using their services such as never sharing your full name with someone you meet online until you have met them offline first

2. Is FarmersOnly a real dating site with real users?

Yes, FarmersOnly is a real dating site with real users. It was founded in 2005 by Jerry Miller and has since become one of the most popular niche dating sites for rural singles looking to find love. The website boasts over 5 million members from all 50 states who are actively searching for companionship and romance. As an online platform dedicated to connecting people living in rural areas, it provides its users with access to profiles of other like-minded individuals who share similar interests and values as them. Additionally, FarmersOnly offers various features such as messaging tools that allow you to communicate easily with potential matches on the site; search filters which enable you narrow down your options based on specific criteria; safety tips so that you can stay safe while interacting online; blogs where farmers can read stories about successful relationships formed through their service; and much more!

3. How to use FarmersOnly app?

Using the FarmersOnly app is easy and straightforward. To get started, simply download the app from your device’s App Store or Google Play store. Once you have downloaded it, open up the app and create an account by entering in some basic information such as your name, email address, age range and gender. After that’s done you can start searching for potential matches right away! You can search through profiles based on criteria like location (or distance), interests/hobbies or even physical characteristics like height & weight if desired. When you find someone who catches your eye just send them a message to break the ice! The messaging system within FarmersOnly allows users to easily communicate with each other without having to leave their profile page – making conversations simple yet effective between two people interested in getting to know one another better before meeting face-to-face for a date night out on the town!

4. Is FarmersOnly free?

FarmersOnly is not free to use. It does offer a basic membership which allows users to create their profile, browse other profiles and send “flirts” or messages of interest. However, if you want access to all the features on FarmersOnly such as seeing who has viewed your profile and sending unlimited messages then you will need to upgrade your account with one of their paid subscription plans. The pricing for these subscriptions varies depending on how long you sign up for but generally range from $21 per month (for 6 months) up to $35 per month (for 12 months).

5. Is FarmersOnly working and can you find someone there?

Yes, FarmersOnly is working and it is possible to find someone there. The website has been around since 2005 and currently boasts over 5 million members from all 50 states in the US as well as several other countries. It offers a unique online dating experience tailored specifically for those living in rural areas or with an interest in agriculture, animals, nature and the outdoors. Members can create profiles that include photos of themselves along with details about their interests, lifestyle preferences and more. They can then search through potential matches based on these criteria or use advanced filters such as age range or location to narrow down their options even further. With its easy-to-use interface plus plenty of features designed to help users connect quickly with likeminded individuals who share similar values and lifestyles; FarmersOnly provides a great platform for singles looking for meaningful relationships rooted in shared experiences out on the farm!


In conclusion, FarmersOnly is a great app for farmers and those living in rural areas to find partners. It has an easy-to-use design that allows users to easily navigate the platform and view other user profiles. The safety and security of this dating app are top notch with measures like photo verification helping ensure genuine interactions between members. Additionally, its customer support team provides prompt responses when needed while also offering helpful advice on how best to use the service safely. Finally, user profile quality is high as most profiles have detailed information about their interests which makes it easier for people looking for compatible matches or friends within their area of residence or interest groupings

Overall, FarmersOnly offers a reliable way for farmers who live far away from cities but want companionship without having to travel long distances just meet potential dates online instead!

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Author Steven Clark

Steven Clark is a relationship and dating expert who has been reviewing and writing about the latest dating sites and apps for the past 5 years. He has seen the online dating world evolve and grow, and he has helped thousands of singles find love and meaningful relationships through his reviews. Steven is passionate about providing honest and accurate reviews, so that singles can make informed decisions when it comes to choosing the right dating sites and apps for their needs. In his spare time, Steven enjoys reading, cooking, and spending time with his family.