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BlackFling 2023 Review: A Unique Dating Opportunity Or Just A Scam?


BlackFling is an online dating platform that has been connecting African-American singles since its launch in 2008. It offers a unique opportunity for Black men and women to find compatible partners from around the world. The app was created by two entrepreneurs, Tony Bogan and Michael McNeil, who wanted to provide a safe space for black people looking for love or companionship.

The primary target audience of BlackFling are single adults aged 18-35 years old living in the United States but it also welcomes members from other countries as well. As of 2021, there are over 1 million active users on this popular platform which continues to grow each day due to its success rate among couples finding their perfect match through this service.

This mobile application provides several features such as advanced search filters (age range, location etc.), private messaging system with instant chat options and even video calls so you can get better acquainted before taking things further offline if desired by both parties involved! Furthermore – all profiles go through manual verification process ensuring only real people use the site safely without any fake accounts being created on purpose or otherwise!

Users have access via website version (wwwblackflingcom) as well iOS/Android applications available at respective stores – making sure everyone can enjoy using our services no matter what device they prefer most when searching someone special out there? Yes – it’s free too join up & start your journey towards true happiness today!. All you need do is create account providing basic information about yourself: name + email address + gender identity plus some more details like age / height / interests etc.. After successful registration one will be able receive matches tailored specifically according his/her preferences set during signup procedure already completed earlier stage… And then simply follow those suggestions provided every time log into profile page view new potential dates added daily basis keeping user entertained engaged while doing so!!!

How Does BlackFling Work?

The BlackFling app is a revolutionary dating platform designed to help black singles find love. It offers users an easy and intuitive way to connect with other like-minded individuals, allowing them to create meaningful relationships in no time. With its user-friendly interface, you can easily browse through profiles of potential matches based on your preferences such as age, location or interests. Additionally, the app allows you access to thousands of active members from all over the world – including countries such as USA , UK , Canada , Australia and South Africa .

Finding someone special has never been easier thanks to BlackFling’s advanced search feature which lets you filter out any unwanted results by specifying what type of person it is that you are looking for; whether they be single men or women seeking long term relationships or casual hookups – whatever suits your needs best! Furthermore, if there’s something specific about a certain individual that catches your eye then simply add them into one of three categories: ‘Friends’ (to keep track), ‘Likes’ (for those who have caught more than just a passing glance) and finally ‘Matches’ where both parties must agree before further communication takes place between each other via private messaging system within the application itself.

BlackFling also provides several unique features tailored towards helping its users get closer together faster than ever before; this includes options such as video chat rooms so couples can take their conversations up close & personal without having ever met face-to-face beforehand! Similarly groups chats allow multiple people at once talk amongst themselves making it much simpler for larger gatherings meet up online instead traditional methods involving travel costs etc… Plus there’s even live streaming events hosted regularly throughout weekdays/weekends depending upon availability giving everyone chance interact real time regardless wherever they may located around globe – now how cool isn’t?!

Finally let us not forget mention fantastic customer service team available 24 hours day 7 days week ensuring smooth running experience anyone requires assistance along journey finding true happiness perfect match today tomorrow future come… All said done why wait longer when right here fingertips? Download free download start searching dream partner immediately go ahead give try won’t regret !

  • 1.Advanced Search: Allows users to search for potential matches using a variety of criteria, including age, location and interests.
  • 2. Video Chatting: Users can video chat with other members in real time to get an up close and personal look at each other before deciding if they are compatible or not.
  • 3. Private Messaging System: Members can privately message one another without having their conversations exposed publicly on the site’s forums or elsewhere online
  • 4. Live Events Calendar & Group Chats : BlackFling offers its members access to exclusive events as well as group chats where like-minded individuals can discuss topics that interest them most
  • 5 .Discreet Profile Options : Gives users the option of keeping certain aspects of their profile private from non-members
  • 6 .Verified Member Profiles : All profiles have been verified by staff so you know who you’re talking too is genuine

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the BlackFling app is a straightforward process. After downloading and opening the app, users will be asked to enter their email address or phone number as well as create a password for logging in. Once this information has been submitted, they will then have to provide some basic personal details such as gender, age range of potential matches desired and location before being taken through an optional tutorial which explains how best to use the features available on BlackFling. Upon completion of registration users can begin browsing profiles and sending messages right away; however there are additional options that may require payment if they wish access them all. The minimum required age for using BlackFling is 18 years old with no upper limit making it suitable for those looking at any stage in life who want companionship without commitment; additionally registering is free so anyone interested can get started straight away!

  • 1.Must be 18 years of age or older
  • 2. Provide a valid email address and phone number
  • 3. Create an account with a unique username and password
  • 4. Agree to the terms & conditions, privacy policy, and other applicable policies
  • 5. Upload at least one profile photo that meets BlackFling’s guidelines for acceptable content
  • 6. Fill out all required fields in the registration form including name, gender identity/sexual orientation, location etc., as appropriate
  • 7. Verify your account via text message or email link sent by BlackFling after submitting your registration information 8 . Pay any applicable fees associated with membership

Design and Usability of BlackFling

The BlackFling app has a sleek and modern design with dark colors that are easy on the eyes. The interface is intuitive, making it simple to find profiles of other people using the search bar or swiping through potential matches. Usability-wise, navigating between different sections of the app is straightforward and user friendly; you can easily customize your profile page by adding photos and bio information. If you choose to upgrade to a paid subscription there are additional UI improvements such as an advanced matchmaking algorithm for better results when searching for compatible partners.

User Profile Quality

Profile quality on BlackFling is generally high, as users can set a custom bio and include photos. All profiles are public so anyone with an account can view them. There isn’t a “friends” feature or anything similar but there is the ability to add people to your favourites list for easy access later. Privacy settings are available allowing users to control who sees their profile information such as age, gender and location info which may reveal city level details depending on user preferences. Sign-in options include Google or Facebook accounts which helps prevent fake accounts from being created in order for other members of the site to trust each other more easily when interacting online. Premium subscription holders have additional benefits including increased visibility of their profile amongst others using the service making it easier for potential matches discover them faster than non-premium subscribers do .


BlackFling is a popular dating website that allows users to connect with potential partners. It offers an easy-to-use platform for singles of all ages and backgrounds, allowing them to search for compatible matches in their area or anywhere else around the world. The site has many features such as private messaging, photo sharing, profile creation and more. BlackFling also provides its members with access to various events hosted by other members which can be used as great icebreakers when trying to meet someone new online. One of the main advantages of using this site is its affordability; it’s free for basic membership but there are some premium options available if you want additional features like unlimited messages or priority customer service support from the team at BlackFling.

The difference between BlackFling’s website and app lies mainly in how they’re accessed – while both provide similar services, one requires logging into a computer while the other needs only your smartphone device (or tablet). On top of that, certain functions may not be available on either version due to technical limitations so it pays off knowing what each option does best before deciding which one suits your needs better! Unfortunately at this time there isn’t any official dating website associated with BlackfLing however we anticipate launching something soon once our development team completes work on creating an optimized experience tailored specifically towards mobile devices & tablets alike!

Safety & Security

BlackFling is a dating app that prioritizes user security and safety. The platform has several measures in place to ensure its users are protected from bots, fake accounts, and malicious activity. To verify the identity of each new user who signs up for BlackFling, they must submit valid government-issued photo identification or other proof of their identity such as an email address or phone number. Photos uploaded by users on the platform are manually reviewed by moderators to detect any inappropriate content before being approved for public viewing. Additionally, two-factor authentication (2FA) is available which adds another layer of protection against unauthorized access attempts with a code sent via text message or email when logging into your account from an unrecognized device/location. Lastly, all data collected through BlackFling’s services is securely stored according to strict privacy policies designed to protect customers’ personal information including names & contact details as well as payment history & transaction records among others; ensuring no third party can gain access without permission nor use it for purposes outside those agreed upon at signup time between customer and service provider

Pricing and Benefits

Is BlackFling Free or Paid?

BlackFling is a dating app that connects people with similar interests and backgrounds. It allows users to create profiles, search for matches, chat with potential partners, and even make video calls. The question remains: Is the app free or does it require a paid subscription?

The basic version of BlackFling is completely free to use; however there are certain features which can only be accessed by paying for an upgraded membership plan. For example, members who upgrade their account will have access to more detailed profile searches as well as unlimited messaging capabilities. Additionally they will also receive priority customer service support when needed.

Benefits of Upgrading Membership Plan on BlackFling

  • Detailed Profile Searches & Unlimited Messaging Capabilities – Priority Customer Service Support When Needed – Access To Exclusive Events & Discounts On Products/Services – Increased Visibility Of Your Profile In Search Results

Prices And Competitiveness Of Subscription Plans On Black Fling

Currently there are three different levels of subscriptions available on the platform ranging from $9-$29 per month depending upon your needs and preferences (monthly auto renewal). This pricing structure makes them competitive in comparison to other popular dating apps such as Tinder or Bumble where monthly plans range between $10-$25 per month respectively . Furthermore , all subscribers get access to exclusive events hosted by the company along with discounts on products/services associated with them .

Cancellation Process And Refund Policy At Black Fingl

If you decide that you no longer wish continue using this service then cancelling your subscription should not be difficult at all since most payment processors offer easy cancellation options through their websites itself without any additional hassle involved . Moreover , if customers feel unsatisfied after signing up then they may request refunds within 7 days period post purchase according refund policy set forth by the company itself .

Help & Support

BlackFling is an online dating site that provides users with access to a wide range of support services. Whether you are looking for help setting up your profile, finding matches or resolving technical issues, BlackFling has got you covered.

The best way to get in touch with the customer service team at BlackFling is via email. You can send them an email detailing your query and they will respond as soon as possible – usually within 24 hours depending on how busy they are. Alternatively, if it’s more urgent then there is also a phone number which allows customers to speak directly with someone from the customer service team who can provide assistance immediately over the phone or arrange a call back when convenient for both parties involved.

Finally, if you have any quick questions about using BlackFling then there’s no need to contact anyone; simply head over to their FAQ page where all common queries and answers have been compiled into one easy-to-navigate section so that customers don’t waste time waiting around for responses from customer support staff members when their question could be answered instantly by checking out this page first! The response times vary but generally speaking most queries should be resolved quickly and efficiently through either method mentioned above – making sure everyone gets what they need without having too much hassle along the way!


1. Is BlackFling safe?

BlackFling is a dating website that aims to provide an enjoyable and safe online experience for its users. The site has implemented various security measures in order to ensure the safety of all members, including secure SSL encryption technology which ensures your data remains private and protected. BlackFling also requires users to verify their accounts via email or phone number before they can start messaging other members on the platform. Furthermore, it has a team of moderators who are constantly monitoring activity on the site so as to detect any suspicious behaviour or fraudulent activities immediately. All these features make BlackFling one of the safest online dating sites available today

2. Is BlackFling a real dating site with real users?

BlackFling is a real dating site with real users. It has been around since 2001 and boasts of having over 1 million members from all over the world. The website claims to have an extensive database that includes people from different countries, ethnicities, backgrounds, interests and lifestyles. BlackFling offers its users access to chat rooms where they can meet other singles who share similar interests or are looking for someone special in their life. Members also get access to detailed profiles which allow them to learn more about potential matches before deciding if they want take things further by meeting up in person or engaging online through messaging services like Skype or WhatsApp video calls etc.. Overall it seems like a legitimate service that could be helpful for those seeking companionship within the African American community as well as anyone else interested in interracial relationships!

3. How to use BlackFling app?

Using the BlackFling app is easy and straightforward. First, download the app from either Google Play or Apple App Store onto your mobile device. Once installed, open up the application and register for an account by providing basic information such as email address, username and password. After registering successfully you will be taken to a home page where you can browse through profiles of other users who are looking for dates in your area or even worldwide! You can also customize your profile with photos so that others may get to know more about yourself before messaging them directly on the platform. Furthermore, if someone messages you first then simply reply back within seconds using this convenient dating service which allows its members to communicate freely without any restrictions whatsoever! Finally don’t forget that safety comes first when it comes online dating so make sure always read their terms & conditions carefully before getting started with BlackFling!

4. Is BlackFling free?

BlackFling is not a free service. While there are some features that can be accessed without cost, the majority of services require payment in order to access them. The website offers different membership packages which provide users with various levels of access and benefits depending on their needs and budget. These memberships range from one month to twelve months, so it’s important for potential customers to review all available options before making a decision about which package best suits their individual needs. Additionally, BlackFling also provides premium services such as live chat support or video messaging for an additional fee if desired by the user.

5. Is BlackFling working and can you find someone there?

BlackFling is a dating site that caters to people of all backgrounds, including African-Americans. It offers an easy way for users to find potential matches in their area and start conversations with them. The website has been around since 2009 and it continues to be one of the most popular online dating sites today. Users can create profiles, upload photos, search for compatible partners using various criteria such as age range or location preferences, chat with other members via instant messaging or emailing each other directly from within the platform itself. As long as you are willing to put in some effort into your profile creation process and actively engage on BlackFling’s forums or private messages feature then there is definitely a chance that you could find someone special through this service – whether they live close by or far away!


To conclude, BlackFling is a great app for finding partners to date. Its design and usability are excellent with its intuitive interface making it easy to navigate around the app. Safety and security measures are also top-notch, ensuring that all users can use the platform without fear of their data being compromised or misused in any way. Help and support options such as customer service emails ensure that any issues you may have while using BlackFling will be resolved quickly by experienced professionals who know what they’re doing when it comes to dating apps like this one. Lastly, user profile quality is high due to strict verification processes which make sure only genuine profiles appear on the site/app – something many other dating platforms lack these days! All in all, if you’re looking for an efficient way of meeting potential dates online then look no further than BlackFling – we highly recommend giving it a try!

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Author Patricia Jackson

Patricia Jackson is a passionate and experienced writer who specializes in reviews on love, sex, and online dating. She has been writing professionally for over five years, and has a deep understanding of the complexities of relationships and how they manifest online. Patricia is an expert at understanding the nuances of online dating, and she has a keen eye for the pros and cons of various platforms. Her reviews are often funny, informative, and always thought-provoking. She is an avid reader and loves to travel and explore new cultures. When she isn't writing, Patricia loves to cook, explore new recipes, and spend time with her family and friends.